
Solution to https://github.com/sketch-hq/frontend-code-test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Code Test Sketch

Main goal

You can find the description here


  • Install node.js (latest stable version should be Ok)
  • Install yarn (latest stable version should be Ok)
  • Execute yarn from the app directory

How to run?

  • Execute yarn && yarn start from the app directory


  • Execute yarn && yarn test from the app directory

Note: This will execute Jest in --watch mode, you can easily run once the entire tests suite by executing yarn test --watchAll=false instead


  • CRA for simplicity purposes when setting up an entire new React project
  • Using React Router for routing simplicity.
  • Document routes have /document/document-id shape
  • Artboard routes have /document/document-id/artboard/artboard-idx shape
  • Using UPPERCASE for constants.
  • Implemented Load different documents depending on the URL bonus point through /document/document-id routes, defaulting to document/Y8wDM when accessing / route
  • Using styled components because Sketch is internally using styled components. On my day by day basis I use JSS with its main advantages (and disavantages) over styled components
  • Using React propTypes instead of a static type checker like. On my day by day basis I use Flow
  • Removed all the logic referring Service Workers because it's not a requirement.
  • Removed the Webapp manifest because it's not a requirement.
  • Added an asterisk rule with several CSS rules. This seeks a more "natural layout model" for padding and margin rules.
  • Used same favicon.ico present here
  • Favoured arrow functions over explicit function declarations mainly because of issues with scopes and simplicity
  • Using yarn as the package manager because it comes with CRA and I'm using it on my day by day basis.
  • Added eslint through the lint script with several plugins.
  • Using fetch for querying the API for simplicity.
  • Extracted constants like colors, routes or fonts for "changing once, working everywhere" pattern.
  • Extracted common components as Header, Spinner or Logo given its multiple usages.
  • Using Roboto as main font, but with swap, so the browser will initially show a fallback font, then once the Google Font has downloaded it will swap the fonts.
  • Delaying loading spinner 1s manually trying to mimic React.lazy loading when fetching data (in this case, the required document). This practice intends to avoid a "spinner party" when our UI requires several parts to be fetched/rendered independently one from another.
  • Indexes in artboard routes start at 0 (e.g. http://localhost:3000/document/Y8wDM/artboard/0), but the Paginator displays a "less nerd" index, starting at 1.
  • Using directly some assets provided in the .svg format through ReactComponent (provided in CRA).
  • Artboard image URL is calculated by sorting all available URLs in descendant order. Afterward we'll take the first URL which fits into the image container. In case there's no image which fits properly into the container space, we take the smallest image. This only happens when the component mounts in artboard.js
  • Using container pattern for components. A container does data fetching and then renders its corresponding sub-component.
  • Tested routes and query utils.
  • Tested Button React component.
  • Created useDocument hook, because both artboard and document containers fetch the document given in the URL
  • Centralised Document model creation, building a simpler model for the front-end.


  • Screenshot testing seeking better confidence when changing any visual stuff (e.g. [jest-image-snapshot](https://github.com/americanexpress/
  • Testing React complex components like artboard.js or document.js. In those scenarios we'll should make use of act because of the usage of hooks and API requests.
  • Any Javascript static typing system seeking better documentation and more confidence when developing. By adding this feature we could remove React propTypes.
  • Pre-commit hook which runs eslint and prettier. This pretends to avoid commiting code that doesn't met our code standards (e.g. husky)
  • Bind Left and Right keyboard keys for a simple Artboard navigation.
  • Error scenario in artboard route with invalid document (e.g. /document/1/artboard/0)
  • Avoid using texts without a translation tool for language localization.
  • Create a constants/spacings file, holding a well defined set of spacings our design follows (e.g. SPACING_S(12), SPACING_M(14), ...)
  • Improve constants/styles animations, because it only allows a single animation to be used, for example, by creating HoC whose main proposal is animating inner children.
  • Avoid duplicated GraphQL queries with some caching strategy. This could be solved with several strategies:
    • Using some kind of context which holds all the information about the application state combined with useReducer as shown here
    • Caching each successfull query internally when requesting the API and returning this value if cached. This strategy requires another mechanism, because subsequent calls could hit the server if our product demands. In this case, we can use a TTL mechanism, meaning we'll query the API if the cached data has been stored for a long.
  • Any tracking mechanism for analytical decisions as our product is intended to evolve probably based on data.