
Source code for "Design Patterns in Java" by Steve Metsker and Bill Wake

Primary LanguageJava


Source code for Design Patterns in Java by Steve Metsker and Bill Wake

2022-12-26 Verified no source changes needed for Java 19 and JUnit 5.9.1. - Bill Wake

2022-12-26 Verified no source changes needed for Java 17 and JUnit 5.9.1. - Bill Wake

2022-12-26 Verified no source changes needed to run with Java 17 and JUnit 5.4.2. - Bill Wake

2020-04-11 Verified that no source changes needed to run with Java 14 and JUnit 5.4.2. - Bill Wake

2020-04-11 Verified that no source changes needed to run with Java 11 and JUnit 5.4.2. - Bill Wake

2020-04-11 Added support for Java 10 and JUnit 5.4.2. - Bill Wake.

2020-04-10 I've [Bill Wake] updated the code to work with JDK 1.8 and JUnit 4.13. This eliminated the need for references to TestCase, and let tests use assertThrows().

2016-01-10 The original code from the book is in OozinozDpij-original.zip; the current code is updated to use generics etc.

Thanks to Juan Manuel Gimeno for making those changes:

  • Added an interface com.oozinoz.iterator.AcycliclyIterable to allow generic iterator code.
  • Used foreach rather than for/while loops.
  • Corrected some javadoc problems.
  • Changed StringBuffers to StringBuilders and Hashtables to HashMaps.
  • Changed the locale to ENGLISH to get tests to pass regardless of local locale.