
Review of some aspects of classic java

Primary LanguageJava


  • Polymorphism vs overloading

    • Compilation / Runtime (execution)
    • Static / Dynamic
  • var is not dynamic typing

  • Inheritance vs composition

    • extends vs implements
    • Constructor chaining
  • Nested classes

    • inner (non-static)
      • qualified this
    • static nested
  • Generics

    • Bounds and wildcards
      • Compare to arrays
    • Erasure
      • Reifiable / Non-reifiable types
        • cannot create instance of type parameter
        • cannot create array of parameterized type
        • cannot use instanceof / cast with parameterized type
        • cannot overload with two different instantiations of the same parameterized type
    • Raw-types -> do not use them
    • With nested classes
    • F-bounded polymorphism

More info:

  • The Java Tutorials

  • Java Magazine

  • Inside Java

  • Naftalin & Wadler, Java Generics and Collections, Manning, 2006

  • Bloch, Effective Java, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2017

  • Evans, Clark, Verburg, The Well-Grounded Java Developer, 2nd ed., Manning, 2022

  • Spilka, Troubleshooting Java, Manning, 2023