
For mocking up how STIX Enhancement Proposals (SEPs) will work.

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STIX Enhancement Proposals (SEPs)

For demonstrating how SEPs might work.

What is the problem we're trying to solve?


SEPs are intended to establish a mechanism for folks to suggest their ideas in a common structure, recruit others to help, and iterate on bleeding-edge stuff in an interoperable manner without degrading the ecosystem of production tools that only expect CS/CSD level inputs.

It's not just enough having a great idea. For that idea to translate into reality, you have to educate potential supporters, recruit co-sponsors to help with the work, and gradually build consensus. This process aims to make that easier.


Things can move pretty slowly in a consensus-based standards body and good ideas can get bogged-down in committee. Part of the resistance to new ideas in STIX2 is that the technical committee's risk appetite has shifted towards demanding a higher level of vetting before changes get pulled into the formal work process. Meanwhile there are folks trying to tackle real-world problems who can't wait on changes to the formal specifications to be finalized. STIX2 has support for custom objects and properties, but while these are sufficient to address the needs of vendor-specific implementations they are not interoperable.


  • SDO: STIX Domain Object, used to characterize CTI as nodes in the STIX graph model.
  • SCO: STIX Cyber Observable, used to characterize observations within a STIX Observed Data SDO.
  • STIX Extensions: STIX Extensions define coherent sets of properties to add additional capabilities to SDOs or SCOs. These may be logically constrained to certain SDO or SCO types where semantically it would be nonsensical outside a limited context. For example, using the SCO HTTP Request Extension makes sense in the context of a Network Traffic SCO, but would not in the case of a File SCO.


SEPs for new SDOs

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Give your SEP a name and create a corresponding directory within seps/draft/sdos/.
  3. Copy templates/sdo_sep_template/template.md and templates/sdo_sep_template/template.json into the directory you just created (s/template/your SEP name).
  4. Start by filling out as much as you can of <your SEP name>.md.
  5. Ping the CTI TC via Slack on the #general channel to let folks know what you're working on and where to find it.
  6. Create a dedicate CTI TC Slack channel for collaboration.
  7. Define the object's schema in <your SEP name>.json
  8. Rinse and repeat on Slack and minigroup working calls until you feel the work is ready to be presented to the wider CTI TC.
  9. Barring substantive objections by the CTI TC, do a pull request against this git repo.
  10. ...profit!

An example

If you look under seps/draft/sdos/x-oasis-cti-tc-grouping/ you'll see the Grouping proposal (taken from the STIX 2.1-Working Concepts Google Doc) defined as a SEP. There's Markdown (for the humans) and JSON Schema (for the machines.)

SEPs for new SCOs

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Give your SEP a name and create a corresponding directory within seps/draft/scos/.
  3. Copy templates/sco_sep_template/template.md and templates/sco_sep_template/template.json into the directory you just created (s/template/your SEP name).
  4. Start by filling out as much as you can of <your SEP name>.md.
  5. Ping the CTI TC via Slack on the #general channel to let folks know what you're working on and where to find it.
  6. Create a dedicate CTI TC Slack channel for collaboration.
  7. Define the object's schema in <your SEP name>.json
  8. Rinse and repeat on Slack and minigroup working calls until you feel the work is ready to be presented to the wider CTI TC.
  9. Barring substantive objections by the CTI TC, do a pull request against this git repo.
  10. ...profit!

An example

If you look under seps/draft/scos/x-oasis-cti-tc-webpage/ you'll see the Webpage proposal (based on Terry MacDonald's proposal to the TC mailing list) defined as a SEP. There's Markdown (for the humans) and JSON Schema (for the machines.)

SEPs for new Extensions

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Give your SEP a name and create a corresponding directory within seps/draft/extensions/.
  3. Copy templates/extension_sep_template/template.md and templates/extension_sep_template/template.json into the directory you just created (s/template/your SEP name).
  4. Start by filling out as much as you can of <your SEP name>.md.
  5. Ping the CTI TC via Slack on the #general channel to let folks know what you're working on and where to find it.
  6. Create a dedicate CTI TC Slack channel for collaboration.
  7. Define the object's schema in <your SEP name>.json
  8. Rinse and repeat on Slack and minigroup working calls until you feel the work is ready to be presented to the wider CTI TC.
  9. Barring substantive objections by the CTI TC, do a pull request against this git repo.
  10. ...profit!


  • If you look under seps/draft/extensions/x-oasis-cti-tc-http-response-ext/ you'll see the HTTP Response (SCO) Extension (based on Terry MacDonald's proposal to the TC mailing list) defined as a SEP. There's Markdown (for the humans) and there will be JSON Schema (for the machines) just as soon as I get a few minutes.

  • If you look under seps/draft/extensions/x-oasis-cti-tc-assertion-ext/ you'll see the STIX Assertion Proposal reimagined as an SDO Extension (based on Jason Kierstead's proposal in STIX 2.1-Working Concepts) and defined as a SEP. There's Markdown (for the humans) and there will be JSON Schema (for the machines) just as soon as I get a few minutes.

The SEP registry

The idea is that if you receive a custom object prefixed with x-oasis-cti-tc-*, then you know to look in manifest.md to figure out what type of SEP it is, where to find the associate descriptive text and schema, as well as the latest version (based on the git commit SHA1 hash).

SEP statuses

  • draft: for immature/bleeding-edge SEPs
  • active: for SEPs that are actually in production use and done enough to be debated for inclusion in a CSD
  • deprecated: for SEPs which have been EOL'ed or withdrawn
  • integrated: for SEPs which have been EOL'ed due to having been published in a CSD


  • finish example for SCO SEPS (a la x-oasis-cti-tc-grouping)
  • figure out how to handle SEPs that add new properties or sets of properties to existing SDOs and SCOs
  • talk through the draft, active, and deprecated statuses - does the minigroup/bleeding-edge work happen in draft on a fork, then get merged into active upon PR or is there a more formal review process?
  • what about non-TC members - if they all sign the CLA and do a PR, can we incorporate their work into a CSD?
  • add workflow diagram
  • define JSON schema for x-oasis-cti-tc-assertion-ext.md
  • define JSON schema for x-oasis-cti-tc-http-response-ext.md