Spindle slows down every 5 minutes
jappiemike opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello, I've noticed that the spindle does a reset approx. every 5 minutes. I've tried to debug this but have not had any luck. It appears to be in the loop that starts at line 386. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't had it do that. Wonder if you have another Arduino that you could try it (the sketch) with?
Also, can you tell me which Arduino you are using (Leonardo/UNO)?
I had the same issue with an UNO. I purchased a Leo and the first time I uploaded the sketch it was doing the same thing. So I re-downloaded the sketch again and it went away. The only thing I updated was the max RPM, from 10000 to 12000, which I did both in the old file and the new sketch file.
I was going to go line by line from the first version to the redownloaded one to see if I accidentally did something else, but I have not had time lol.
I was also going to test it again on the UNO, but again no time heh.
What is UsrInput ==16, this is the only thing that throws an Exit code. I couldn't find a button press that would even set the variable to 16, so maybe its that?