Python Messari API Wrapper (PMAW) is a Python package that enables simple access to the Messari API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Messari API Wrapper (PMAW)


PMAW is a Python package that allows for simple access to the Messari API. PMAW aims to be robust and easy to use while respecting Messari's API rules.


pip install git+https://github.com/jmhayes3/pmaw.git


To get started, create an instance of the Messari class:

from pmaw import Messari

messari = Messari()

To authenticate using an API key, pass the key in like so:

messari = Messari(api_key="<your-api-key>")

Or, set the X_MESSARI_API_KEY environmental variable:

export X_MESSARI_API_KEY=<your-api-key>

Using the messari instance you can then interact with the API:

# Get the top 10 assets by market cap.
for asset in messari.assets.top(limit=10):

# Markets
for market in messari.markets(limit=5):
  print(market.exchange_name, market.pair)

# Time Series

# News
news = messari.news(limit=10)
for n in news:

To check which attributes are available for an object use the vars function:

asset = messari.asset("eth")

Rate Limits

PMAW handles rate limiting automatically, eliminating the need to introduce sleep calls into code.

By default, the rate limit is set to 20 requests per minute (the limit enforced by the API for unauthenticated users). If an API key is provided, the rate limit is increased to 30 requests per minute. A custom rate limit can be set using the target_rate keyword argument when initializing the Messari class.