
Data source running on Cloudflare workers for shields.io to provide advent of code star badges.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Advent of Code Badge

This repo is a Cloudflare worker which can be used with a private leaderboard to provide the metadata required for a custom badge from shields.io with your Advent of Code stars earned for a given year, like this:

AoC Badge


You will need:

Edit the wrangler.toml

Set the LEADERBOARD variable to your leaderboard ID, i.e. the <id> from your private leaderboard URL https://adventofcode.com/<year>/leaderboard/private/view/<id>

Set Your Secret

Use wrangler secret put SESSION_TOKEN to set your token

Confirm It Works

Use wrangler dev and test the endpoint


wrangler publish

Crafting Your Markdown

Take your workers URL with user_id and year set in the query parameters, and URL encode it.

Then provide it and the url parameter to https://img.shields.io/endpoint

Use that as the image source for your badge.


[![AoC Badge](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https%3A%2F%2Faoc.your-worker-here.workers.dev%2F%3Fuser_id%3D4896%26year%3D2022)](https://adventofcode.com/)


Your session token lasts about a month, so you'll have to update that occasionally.