
RTSP to HLS server for watching birbs

Primary LanguageGo

Birb Cam™

A Birb

This is a project to put birbs on the internet. 11 years ago I made chicken cam to stream my chickens onto the internet. This is the next version, now that my home internet has fiber, and new, interesting tools are available.

This spring (2024) we had a swallow move in on our back porch and build a nest. We wanted to watch her raise her eggs, so we set up a cheap IP camera. After that, it was a few short steps to publishing it online. There is nothing novel here, this is just my implementation of RTSP to HLS.

Netbirb Diagram

│          Mac Mini          │
│                            │       ┌─────────────────────┐
│   ┌────────────────────┐   │       │    Birb Watcher     │
│   │ cloudflared tunnel ├───┼───────┤        (you)        │
│   └──────────┬─────────┘   │       └─────────────────────┘
│              │             │
│   ┌──────────┴─────────┐   │
│   │      birb-cam      │   │
│   └──────────┬─────────┘   │
│              │             │
               │                     ┌─────────────────────┐
               │                     │                     │
             rtsp                    │           \\        │
               │                     │          (o>        │
┌──────────────┴─────────────┐       │       \\_//)        │
│    Boavision IP Camera     ├───────┤        \_/_)        │
└────────────────────────────┘       │          _|_        │
                                     │                     │
                                     │       (birb)        │
                                     │                     │