
My dotfiles, yo.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Dotfiles & Bootstrapping

This is my dotfiles reboot, heavily influenced by others and by my past configs.

It is currently oriented on MacOS, zsh and neovim. When I get a new Linux daily driver I'll fix it up for that too.


The main entry point for setup is install.sh, a bash script.

Everything should be safe to run more than once, but no promises.

install.sh [all|bootstrap|software|config|link]

all       - Install and configure everything, in order
bootstrap - Install what we need to install everything else
software  - Install software and Brewfile
config    - Set and link all configs
link      - Just (re)link config files


From zero to nearly usable system in one script.


Download just enough to do the rest of the work.


Download and install all the software I use regularly.


Configure OS preferences and restart all required services. Also links in config files as outlined in links


This will link all the dotfiles that it can.

Anything ending in .symlink will be symlinked into the home directory.

Anything ending in .mergedir will have it's contents symlinked in a merge style.

Existing files or links will not be overridden.

It is safe to run this multiple times.