
Port knocking with style!

Primary LanguageGo


This is a toy implementation of port knocking in Go. Currently, it only supports iptables as the backend.


Specify the port you wish to protect (-port) and several ports required to knock, in order, -knock.

Usage of open-says-me:
  -config string
    	config file (optional)
    	log debug information
  -knock value
    	knock port (multiple supported)
  -port int
    	port to protect (default 9000)
    	pretty print logs

Config File

This is make a little simpler with a config file and the -config flag.

port 9099
knock 8080
knock 8090

Protects 9099 by requiring knocks on 8080 then 8090.


There is a client in cmd/client which can knock for you:

$ ./client 4000 5000

Alternatively you can use a tool like netcat:

$ echo -n "ok" | nc -u -c 4000
$ echo -n "ok" | nc -u -c 5000