
Experiments with SAT in Flama

Primary LanguagePython

Table of Contents


Experiments with SAT in Flama

How to use it


Download and install

  1. Install Python 3.9+

  2. Clone this repository and enter into the main directory:

    git clone https://github.com/jmhorcas/uned-experiments.git

    cd fm_solver

  3. Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv env

  4. Activate the environment:

    source env/bin/activate

  5. Install the dependencies:

    5.1. Install Flama core and Flama for FM: pip install flamapy flamapy-fm

    5.2. Install UVL Parser from sources: pip uninstall uvlparser

      `git clone https://github.com/jmhorcas/uvlparser.git`
      `cd uvlparser`
      `pip install antlr4-python3-runtime`
      `antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -no-listener UVL.g4`
      `pip install -e .`

    5.2. Install Flama SAT from sources: git clone https://github.com/jmhorcas/pysat_metamodel.git

      `cd pysat_metamodel`
      `pip install -e .`


  • To run only one analysis:

    python main_sat_analysis.py -fm FEATURE_MODEL [-s] SOLVER_NAME

    The FEATURE_MODEL parameter is mandatory and specifies the file path of the feature model in UVL format.

    The -s argument is optional, if provided, the specified solver is used. The list of available solver are:

      cadical     = ('cd', 'cdl', 'cadical')
      gluecard3   = ('gc3', 'gc30', 'gluecard3', 'gluecard30')
      gluecard41  = ('gc3', 'gc41', 'gluecard4', 'gluecard41')
      glucose3    = ('g3', 'g30', 'glucose3', 'glucose30')
      glucose4    = ('g4', 'g41', 'glucose4', 'glucose41')
      lingeling   = ('lgl', 'lingeling')
      maplechrono = ('mcb', 'chrono', 'maplechrono')
      maplecm     = ('mcm', 'maplecm')
      maplesat    = ('mpl', 'maple', 'maplesat')
      mergesat3   = ('mg3', 'mgs3', 'mergesat3', 'mergesat30')
      minicard    = ('mc', 'mcard', 'minicard')
      minisat22   = ('m22', 'msat22', 'minisat22')
      minisatgh   = ('mgh', 'msat-gh', 'minisat-gh')
  • To analyze a feature model running X executions and generate the result in a .csv file, execute: ./script.sh FEATURE_MODEL SOLVER_NAME RUNS