
Playing with writing the worrywort server in go

Primary LanguageGo

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A beer fermentation logging and alerting system

This started life as an experiment in rewriting the current WorryWort server Elixir/Phoenix codebase in go, which in itself was a toy project to learn Elixir. Similar products have poppped up, but I feel this is still worthwhile.

Open Source Involvement

I do not currently desire to grow a large open source community of contributors. Maintaining an open source community is very different from just maintaining code and a platform to run it. I do want the system to be open and available for use, though. I have built it and my entire career on freely available open source software. That said, if there's an obviously better way something could or should be done, let me know.


  • Install GraphiQL app from https://github.com/skevy/graphiql-app/ for easy testing
  • Use github.com/mattes/migrate for db migrations. The dev dockerfile installs this into /go/bin/.
    • May test out pressly/goose as well
  • DATA-DOG/txdb is now used. For now it assumes a database named worrywort_test and a user and password matching the main user and password for the db

Starting development docker container/compose stack

For easy development, use docker-compose run to get an active shell in a golang-stretch container connected to a postgresql 9.6 and redis container. A database for worrywortd will already be created. The database data is in a named volume to make it easy to recognize in the docker volume ls output and to delete for starting over if needed.

To start development:

  • docker-compose pull
  • docker-compose build
  • make docker-dev

To stop:

  • ctrl-d until you have exited out of docker
  • docker-compose down to tear down the stack

Database migrations

This will eventually apply to an initial production setup as well.

Optional pre-made database migrations for use with github.com/mattes/migrate and a postgresql database are provided. The development docker image also automatically installs migrate into /go/bin/migrate for easy use. Several make commands have also been added to simplify migrations. These each take an optional argument target with the target migration number.

  • make migrate-up or make migrate -target=3 to migrate up to migration 3.
  • make migrate-force
  • make migrate-down

Database seeds

migrate does not play well with separate data for seeds, so a seed.sql file is provided in _dev_seeds/seed.sql. The make command make seed-dev will run it to create any seed data. Currently a dev user is seeded with the email user@example.org and a password of password.

Logging into the server

You'll need to log in when first starting the server up to generate a token. The easiest way to do this is to use GraphiQL as a client. You can then run the mutation:

mutation logIn($username: String!, $password: String!) {
  login(username: $username, password: $password) {



  • graphql user registration flow and supporting bits
  • graphql user management - password reset, update profile stuff, etc.
  • graphql fleshed out - several things need to be able to be updated, etc.
  • graphql subscriptions for temperature readings for a batch
  • push notifications to upcoming mobile apps for sensor reading alerts
  • webhook notifications for sensor reading alerts
  • support for manual temperature readings
  • support for sensor associated with multiple batches - ambient air in a room or chamber, etc.
  • integration with tilt sensor


  • better/cleaner joins in sql - probably reusable functions to generate joins, column selects, etc. so that updates to columns do not need to happen in several places
  • nice way of handling/distributing migrations?
  • improve core worrywortd server code a bit to be more testable - main Server struct which has the routes, router, etc.
  • May move everything under main worrywort package and put models in worrywort.models?
  • Improve logging and crash reporting - add in a nice logger util which supports different stuff, structured logging, sentry, etc.

Maybe TODO:

  • Potential use of InfluxDb or TimescaleDB for temperature readings
  • just use db url for db connection