Folder structure


GitHub Actions for CI/CD.

Actions are triggered on PRs and pushes to the master branch. When a PR is merged an Action builds the Docker image and updates the k8s deployment YAML file with the new image tag then ArgoCD applies the changes in the cluster.

ArgoCD keeps a history of all updates and allows to rollback to any previous state of the application.


Source code, Dockerfile and k8s manifests for the GO app.


Terraform module for spinning up many individual k8s clusters for different teams with the concept of add-ons (ArgoCD and AWS LB Controller at the moment).

The cluster has federation enabled and allows to assign IAM Roles to Service Accounts.


  • Move away from Ingress to using Istio for the service mesh with NLB for ingress
  • Prometheus + Grafana for monitoring and alerts
  • Cillium CNI for network polices, pod-to-pod communication and pod-to-service communication (move away from IPTables)
  • ExternalDNS for configuring Route53 records


Terraform definition files.



Hello word app