Stockrock - Stock Ticker Service

Stockrock is an API that retrieves stock data for the last N trading days and provides an average closing price.


Based on the task instructions to look up "a fixed number of closing prices of a specific stock" my interpretation was that the NDAYS value referred to the number of trading days, rather than the number of calendar days. Therefore my solution does not take into account weekends and holidays, rather it returns a set number of datapoints based on the provided NDAYS variable, along with the average closing price for the datapoints.


  • Go v1.20.1+
  • Docker
  • Kubectl
  • Alphavantage API key


To build & run with docker

docker build -t <org>/stockrock:1.0.0 .
docker run --rm -e API_KEY=<your-api-key> -e NDAYS=7 -e SYMBOL=MSFT -e HOST= -p 8080:8080 <org>/stockrock:1.0.0


Note: The provided kubernetes ingress requires the Nginx ingress controller to be deployed to the cluster.

Create the namespace:

kubectl apply -f ./k8s/1-namespace.yaml

Create a secret:

  1. Convert your API to a base64 string
echo <YOUR_API_KEY> | base64 --encode
  1. Create secret.yaml in ./k8s/ and use the following template (make sure to paste in your base64 encoded API_KEY)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: stockrock-apikey
  namespace: platform
type: Opaque
  apiKey: <YOUR_BASE64_API_KEY>
  1. Apply the files to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f ./k8s

If using kind and you can use the cluster.yaml config file to ensure that the port is correctly exposed via localhost.


There are 2 endpoints available:

  1. /healthz - health check endpoint. Returns 200 if the service is up.
  2. /api/stock-info - Returns information about the specified ticker for N days, as configured via the services environment variables.

Example output (shortened):

  "last_refeshed": "Tue Feb 28 06:30:15 2023",
  "days": 7,
  "symbol": "MSFT",
  "average_closing_price": "254.08",
  "stock_time_series": [
      "date": "2023-02-27T00:00:00-05:00",
      "open": "252.46",
      "high": "252.82",
      "low": "249.39",
      "close": "250.16",
      "volume": "21190042"
      "date": "2023-02-24T00:00:00-05:00",
      "open": "249.96",
      "high": "251.0",
      "low": "248.1",
      "close": "249.22",
      "volume": "24990905"


Some notes on implementation.

  • A very basic caching system is used, where the service stores the most recent response data in a map. When a request is made to the API the cache is checked first - if the cache is populated then the timestamp on the cached response is checked and returned if the results are less than 10 minutes old.
    • The alphavantage API allows for up to 500 requests per day, or ~20 requests per hour. To be safe, the cache expires after 10 minutes, or 6 request per hour per replica (3 replicas by default).
  • This task is implemented with minimum third party libs.
    • provides arbitrary-precision fixed point decimal numbers, to avoid any floating point arithmetic shenanigans.
    • for logging. This is an experimental library from the Go team that could eventually make it into the stdlib. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet and thought this was a good time to take it for a test drive.
    • All other functionality is provided via the stdlib.