
Skycfg is an extension library for the Starlark language that adds support for constructing Protocol Buffer messages.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Skycfg is an extension library for the Starlark language that adds support for constructing Protocol Buffer messages. It was developed by Stripe to simplify configuration of Kubernetes services, Envoy routes, Terraform resources, and other complex configuration data.

At present, only the Go implementation of Starlark is supported.

API Documentation Build Status Test Coverage

Getting Started

The entry point to Skycfg is the skycfg.Load() function, which reads a config file from local disk. As the implementation stabilizes we expect to expand the public API surface so that Skycfg can be combined with other Starlark extensions.

Lets start with a simple main that just prints out every Protobuf message created by the config file hello.sky:

package main

import (
    _ "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/wrappers"

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()
    config, err := skycfg.Load(ctx, "hello.sky")
    if err != nil { panic(err) }
    messages, err := config.Main(ctx)
    if err != nil { panic(err) }
    for _, msg := range messages {
        fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg.String())
# hello.sky
pb = proto.package("google.protobuf")

def main(ctx):
  return [pb.StringValue(value = "Hello, world!")]

Now we can build our little test driver, write hello.sky, and see what values come out:

$ go get github.com/stripe/skycfg
$ go build -o test-skycfg
$ ./test-skycfg
value:"Hello, world!"


For more in-depth examples covering specific topics, see the _examples/ directory:

Why use Skycfg?

Compared to bare YAML or TOML, the Python-ish syntax of Skycfg might not seem like a win. Why would we want configs with all those quotes and colons and braces?

There are four important benefits of using Skycfg over YAML:

Type Safety

Protobuf has a statically-typed data model, which means the types of all fields are known to Skycfg when it's evaluating your config. There is no risk of accidentally assigning a string to a number, a struct to a different struct, or forgetting to quote a YAML value.

pb = proto.package("google.protobuf")

def main(ctx):
  return [pb.StringValue(value = 123)]
$ ./test-skycfg
panic: TypeError: value 123 (type `int') can't be assigned to type `string'.


As in standard Python, you can define helper functions to reduce duplicated typing and share logic.

pb = proto.package("google.protobuf")

def greet(lang):
  greeting = {
    "en": "Hello, world!",
    "fr": "Bonjour, monde!",
  return pb.StringValue(value = greeting)

def main(ctx):
  return [greet("en"), greet("fr")]
$ ./test-skycfg
value:"Hello world!"
value:"Bonjour, monde!"


Starlark supports importing modules from other files, which you can use to share common code between your configs. By default the paths to load are resolved on the local filesystem, but you can also override the load() handler to support syntaxes such as Bazel-style targets.

Modules can protect service owners from complex Kubernetes logic:

load("//config/common/kubernetes.sky", "kubernetes")

def my_service(ctx):
  return kubernetes.pod(
      name = "my-namespace/my-service",
      containers = [
          kubernetes.container(name = "main", image = "index.docker.io/hello-world"),

When combined with VCS hooks like GitHub CODEOWNERS, you can use modules to provide an API surface to third-party tools deployed in your infrastructure:

load("//config/common/constants.sky",  "CLUSTERS")

def main(ctx):
  return [
    kubernetes_dashboard(ctx, cluster = CLUSTERS['ord1']),
    kubernetes_dashboard(ctx, cluster = CLUSTERS['ord1-canary']),

Context Variables

Skycfg supports limited dynamic behavior through the use of context variables, which let the Go caller pass arbitrary key:value pairs in the ctx parameter.

func main() {
    // ...
    messages, err := config.Main(ctx, skycfg.WithVars(starlark.StringDict{
      "revision": starlark.String("master/12345"),
pb = proto.package("google.protobuf")

def main(ctx):
  print("ctx.vars:", ctx.vars)
  return []
$ ./test-skycfg
[hello.sky:4] ctx.vars: {"revision": "master/12345"}


We welcome contributions from the community. For small simple changes, go ahead and open a pull request. Larger changes should start out in the issue tracker, so we can make sure they fit into the roadmap. Changes to the Starlark language itself (such as new primitive types or syntax) should be applied to https://github.com/google/starlark-go.


Skycfg depends on internal details of the go-protobuf generated code, and as such it may need to be updated to work with future versions of go-protobuf. We will release Skycfg v1.0 after all dependencies on go-protobuf implementation details have been fixed, which will be after the "api-v2" branch lands in a stable release of go-protobuf.

Our existing public APIs are expected to be stable even before the v1.0 release. Symbols that will change before v1.0 are hidden from the public docs and named Unstable*.