
My personal macOS config files

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Personal macOS Config

This is most of my config dotfiles for my work MacBook. I'm publishing this for my own use, but since there's nothing secret in it, I guess you can see it too if you like.

If this directory is cloned as ~/.config, then many of these configs will Just Work™. Some programs do not know how to look in ~/.config though -- those files must be symlinked into their dotfile location in ~. For now, those files include:

  • bash_profile
  • bashrc
  • clojure
  • curlrc
  • gitconfig
  • gitignore_global
  • ngrok2
  • npmrc
  • vimrc
  • zshrc

To symlink one, cd to ~ and then do something like ln -s .config/zshrc .zshrc