
An icon library for the leptos web framework

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


add icons from popular icon libraries into your leptos projects. Every icon is packaged as its own cargo feature to reduce build times.

Note that this crate is heavily inspired by the solidjs-icons library.

Table of Contents


To use this crate, simply add it to your dependencies and list the features corresponding to the icons you need.

e.g. cargo add leptos-icons --features FaSolidBars

Please note that this crate is in very early developpement and may include bugs.

Icon Packages

Icon Library License Short Name
Ant Design Icons MIT "ai"
Bootstrap Icons MIT "bs"
BoxIcons CC BY 4.0 License "bi"
Feather MIT "fi"
Font Awesome CC BY 4.0 License "fa"
Heroicons MIT "hi"
IcoMoon Free CC BY 4.0 License "im"
Ionicons MIT "io"
Remix Icon Apache License Version 2.0 "ri"
Simple Icons CC0 1.0 Universal "si"
Typicons CC BY-SA 3.0 "ti"
VS Code Icons CC BY 4.0 "vs"
Weather Icons SIL OFL 1.1 "wi"
css.gg MIT "cg"
Tabler Icons MIT "tb"
Github Octicons MIT "oc"


Non-inclusive list of crucial missing features:

  • Better Docs
  • Props passing (style, color)
  • remove useless categories (e.g. vscode-light/dark, sizes?)
  • ssr optimizations?


  • Tabler Icon's "Pagebreak" and "PageBreak" icons have the same file name.
  • Icon names starting with digits
  • Tracing feature #1