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Jmix Database Stored Procedures Sample

The sample projects demonstrates how you can read data using database functions with parameters and then display the results on Jmix screens.

Display the Function Result Using DTO Entity

The project contains the following entities:

  • Car
  • Model

There is the following function in PostreSQL database (the function is automatically created in database migration scrips):

create or replace function car_with_model_by_year(year_ int)
returns table(id UUID, vin text, year_ int, model text)
as $$ select,, c.year_,
      from CAR c left join MODEL m on c.model_id = 
      where c.year_ = $1 $$
language SQL;

There is a DTO entity CarWithModel.

The CarWithModelService is responsible for reading the data from the database using Spring JdbcTemplate and for mapping the result to CarWithModel instances:

public class CarWithModelService {

    private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private Metadata metadata;
    public List<CarWithModel> loadCarWithModelByYear(int year) {
        MapSqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
        parameterSource.addValue("year", year);

        RowMapper<CarWithModel> rowMapper = (rs, rowNum) -> {
            CarWithModel carWithModel = metadata.create(CarWithModel.class);
            return carWithModel;
        List<CarWithModel> carWithModels = jdbcTemplate.query("select * from car_with_model_by_year(:year)",

        return carWithModels;

The CarWithModelBrowse displays the result of the service invocation:

public class CarWithModelBrowse extends StandardLookup<CarWithModel> {

    private CarWithModelService carWithModelService;

    @Install(to = "carWithModelsDl", target = Target.DATA_LOADER)
    private List<CarWithModel> carWithModelsDlLoadDelegate(LoadContext<CarWithModel> loadContext) {
        return carWithModelService.loadCarWithModelByYear(2021);

Call Database Function Using Java Persistence API

You may also call database functions and convert the result into JPA entities using JPA.

In the database there is a function that returns car information filtering it by year:

create or replace function car_by_year(year_ int)
returns table(id UUID, vin text, year_ int)
as $$ select,, c.year_
    from CAR c where c.year_ = $1 $$
language SQL;

The CarService calls the database function and maps the result to JPA entities:

public class CarService {

    private StoreAwareLocator storeAwareLocator;

    public List<Car> loadCarByYear(int year) {
        EntityManager entityManager = storeAwareLocator.getEntityManager(Stores.MAIN);
        StoredProcedureQuery storedProcedureQuery = entityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery("CAR_BY_YEAR", Car.class)
                .registerStoredProcedureParameter(1, Integer.class, ParameterMode.IN)
                .setParameter(1, year);

        List<Car> cars = storedProcedureQuery.getResultList();
        return cars;

You may check how the CarService works using the CarServiceTest