Jmix Demo: MySQL Binary16 UUID

This project demonstrates usage of binary(16) column for storing UUID values (primary and foreign keys) on MySQL.

DemoMysqlDbmsFeatures bean defines the property pointing to the DemoMySQLPlatform class. This bean is used for MySQL databases because of the value returned from getTypeAndVersion() method.

DemoMySQLPlatform defines parameters of working with UUIDs for MySQL databases. file has jmix.liquibase.parameters.uuid.type = binary(16) property to define the column type for UUID attributes.

All Liquibase changelogs must use ${uuid.type} as a type of primary and foreign key columns, for example:

<changeSet id="1" author="demo">
    <createTable tableName="FOO">
        <column name="ID" type="${uuid.type}">
            <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="PK_FOO"/>
        <column name="VERSION" type="INT">
            <constraints nullable="false"/>
        <column name="NAME" type="VARCHAR(255)"/>
        <column name="USER_ID" type="${uuid.type}"/>

To insert a UUID, uuid_to_bin() function is used:

<insert tableName="USER_" dbms="mysql">
    <column name="ID" valueComputed="uuid_to_bin('60885987-1b61-4247-94c7-dff348347f93')"/>
    <column name="VERSION" value="1"/>
    <column name="USERNAME" value="admin"/>
    <column name="PASSWORD" value="{noop}admin"/>
    <column name="ACTIVE" valueBoolean="true"/>