
Experimental repository for prototype tools for administering flocker clusters

Primary LanguagePython


Experimental repository for prototypes of tools for administering and debugging flocker clusters.

Log analysis

Requires eliot-tree.

The following will find and display all actions taken by the dataset agent for a particular dataset_id that contain a failed action.

$ journalctl --all --output=cat --unit="flocker-dataset-agent.service" > dataset.log
$ repair-json dataset.log > dataset-fixed.log 2> discarded-entries.log
$ eliot-tree --select 'action_status==`failed`' --select 'dataset_id==`$SOME_UUID`' dataset.log  | tee dataset-tree

Log export

If you are using flocker 1.2 or later, then use the built-in flocker-diagnostics tool.

If you are using earlier versions of flocker, try flocker-log-export.sh. For example:

$ sudo ./flocker-log-export.sh
$ aws s3 cp clusterhq_flocker_logs* s3://some-bucket/some-folder/

Where aws is the AWS command-line interface.