
Haskell implementation of AMP

Primary LanguageHaskell

Muck around with Haskell.

= AMP =

== Terms ==

  bytes :: a sequence of bytes

== Boxes ==


  key :: bytes
  value :: bytes

    1. What's the rationale for the maximum key length being different to
    the maximum value length?

Keys should be keys, individual words easily described in a protocol
specification document. 255 bytes is enough even for a wordy chinese
identifier in UTF8.

Also, the redundancy of the implicitly required NUL between messages gives us
a nice hook to determine if the protocol has gone totally pear- shaped, like
the "," between netstrings.

    2. How does the Python keywords thing fit with the actual protocol,
    rather than the Python implementation?

The Python keywords thing is purely a Python consideration. It should have no
effect on the protocol.

        The Python keywords thing is purely a Python consideration.  It should have
        no effect on the protocol.

    Hmm. Maybe a better question is, "are there any restrictions on what
    constitutes a valid key, other than length"?

Nope. Maybe there should be, though, I've been thinking about adding the
restriction of "no-NUL utf-8". Right now it's effectively ASCII for keys,

    Another question, does AMP have anything to say about character
    encoding? For my Haskell implementation I've been UTF-8 encoding
    strings before sending them over the wire, which seems like a good
    default sanity.

As in the Python implementation of the "Unicode" argument type, UTF-8 is where
it's at. "String" is a crummy argument name, it really should have been
"Bytes"; but it's very clearly a bytestring, not text.

Thanks for doing a Haskell implementation ;).

== Commands ==

A *command definition* is::

  command name :: bytes

  *arguments* is a mapping from 'name' to (encoder, decoder) pairs, where
      name :: bytes (a box 'key')
      encoder :: A -> bytes
      decoder :: bytes -> A

Such that x = decoder(encoder(x)) for all x in A

A *command request* is serialized from a command definition, given a mapping
from parameter names (bytes) to values (arbitrary).

  _command => <command name>
  <name> => encoder (a)

for all *arguments*.

If the server MUST send a reply to the request, the command request also

  ASK => <unique_tag>

where <unique_tag> is a byte-string unique to that connection.



== Conventions ==

=== Names ===

Command names should be purely alpha-numeric, starting with a capital letter.

<< recommended range for argument / response names >>
<< recommended range for error names >>

=== Types ===

Text strings sent as UTF-8 encoded bytes.

Integers are sent as stringified versions of themselves.

Lists are sent as a list of AMP boxes, each one following the same

Boolean values are sent as "True", "False" (byte strings)

== SSL / Protocol switching ==
