Experimental library for doing stateful computations in Python without actually assigning to anything.
I'm not exactly sure why you would want to use this.
A stateful action that increments the current state.
from stateless import *
increment = get.bind(lambda x: put(x + 1))
print(run(increment, 5))
The result is (None, 6)
increment_twice = increment.then(increment)
print(run(increment_twice, 5))
Result: (None, 7)
def fizzbuzz(n):
if n % 15 == 0:
return 'fizzbuzz'
elif n % 5 == 0:
return 'buzz'
elif n % 3 == 0:
return 'fizz'
fizzbuzzer = increment.then(get).map(fizzbuzz)
print(run(fizzbuzzer, 4))
print(run(fizzbuzzer, 14))
op = push(5).then(push(4)).then(pop).bind(lambda x: push(2 * x))
Result: (None, pvector([5, 8]))
def _stack_multiply():
a = yield pop
b = yield pop
yield push(a * b)
stack_multiply = stack_multiply()
op = push(5).then(push(4)).then(stack_multiply).then(pop)
Result: (20, pvector([]))