

Primary LanguageC

To resolve the following symbol (as explained in this article)

StreamMapping::OpenRead +0x1be 
[pc:0x00007FFE40E2BD9E func:0x40e2bbe0 lf=0x810 load=IndexFile(0x00007FFE40E20000:0x00007FFE40E3B000)]
  1. Retrieve default image base of the DLL
E:>dumpbin /Headers IndexFile.dll | findstr "image base"
           1000 base of code
      180000000 image base (0000000180000000 to 000000018001AFFF)
           0.00 image version
          1B000 size of image
  1. Compute the default symbol location
0x00007FFE40E2BD9E - 0x00007FFE40E20000 + 0x000180000000 - 1 = 0x00018000BD9D‬
  1. Run the utility
E:> winaddr2line.exe -e IndexFile.dll  018000BD9E -a -p -s -f
Load address: 180000000
0x8000bd9e: TOCManager::ChangeBufSize at tocmanager.cpp:37

See also dbghelpexamples.html.

E:\workspaces\external\dbghelpexamples>LineFromAddr.exe IndexFile.dll 018000BD9D
Loading symbols for: IndexFile.dll ...
Load address: 180000000
Looking for symbol at address 18000bd9d ...
Symbol found:
Symbol: Function  Address: 18000bd50  Size: 129  Name: TOCManager::ChangeBufSize
File: g:\...\src\tocmanager.cpp
Line: 36
Displacement: 45