
LeetCode Solutions (JS, TS, Python)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LeetCode in JavaScript and TypeScript and Python


A simple repo with LeetCode solutions in JS and TS. Contributions are welcome!

The format:

// {Problem #}. {Problem Title} (i.e. 206. Reverse Linked List)

// Problem description

// The solution

Annotations and comments

Annotations and comments within the solution are welcome. After all, understanding the solutions is critical.

Alternate solutions

If the a solution is the same in approach, but cleaner or more efficient; merely update the core algorithm file. However, if handling in a non-simililar approach (iterative versus recursive) - then modify the original file name and add a new file to reflect the differences, i.e. 1. Two Sum (Recurrsive).js and 1. Two Sum (Iterative).js.

Naming conventions of files

Use the number and name of the LeetCode problem: 1. Two Sum (Iterative).js.