Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School YoYo videos
- Level 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 10+
- Qualification Test I, II, III, IV, V
- 2015 Version created by Andrew Wung: Level 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10
- 運鈴 Spin
- 加速 (by Diabolo Classroom)
- 調鈴 Adjust (raw)
- 左右調鈴 (by Diabolo Classroom)
- 天蠺變 Cicada (raw)
- 天蠺再變 Double Cicada (raw)
- 金門大橋 Golden gate bridge (raw)
- 金雞上架 Chicken on the stick (created by Andrew Wung)
- 后羿射日 Shooting the moon (created by Andrew Wung)
- 拋鈴 Tossing into the sky (created by Andrew Wung)
- 蜻蜓點水 Skipping stone (created by Andrew Wung)
- 螞蟻上樹 Elevator (created by Andrew Wung)
- 運鈴 Spin, 天蠺變 Cicada, 天蠺再變 Double Cicada, 拋鈴 Tossing into the sky, 金門大橋 Golden gate bridge
- 金蟬脫殼 Escaping Cicada (raw)
- 扭轉乾坤簡易版 Ice breaker (easy version) (created by Andew Wung)
- 扭轉乾坤 Ice breaker (raw)
- 蜘蛛結網 Spider web (raw)
- 小小世界 Small world (raw)
- 平沙落雁 Toss, Loop & Catch
- 繞頸 Around the neck
- 交叉接鈴 Tic Tac Toe
- 勾反手拋 Go Go Power Rangers + Flying Eagles
- 金手指 Golden finger
- 天蠺變 Cicada, 天蠺再變 Double Cicada, 拋鈴 Tossing into the sky, 扭轉乾坤 Ice breaker, 蜘蛛結網 Spider web, 蜻蜓點水 Skipping stone, 金門大橋 Golden gate bridge, 金雞上架 Chicken on the stick, 小小世界 Small world, 金手指 Golden finger
- 金龍繞玉柱 Around the leg
- 翻山越嶺 Around the leg 2
- 單手繞腳 Around the leg with one hand (created by Andew Wung)
- 繞腳勾拋 Around the leg + Toss (raw)
- 繞腳開鈴 Around the leg + Spin (raw)
- 繞手不要繞腳, 手腳一起繞 Around the Leg and Arm (raw)
- 超級大繞腳 Super around the leg
- 蜘蛛結網加小車輪 Spider Web + Spin (created by Andew Wung)
- 交叉繞腳 Around the legs, switch legs
- 三輪車 Tricycle (raw)
- 繞手 Around the arm (raw)
- 繞手反手拋 Around the arm + Toss (created by Andew Wung)
- 雙手繞手 Double around the arm (raw)
- 繞手龍捲風 Roller Coaster
- 繞手旋轉木馬 Super around the arm
- 繞頸 Around the neck, 金龍繞玉柱 Around the leg, 單手繞腳 Around the leg with one hand, 繞腳勾拋 Aroung the leg + Toss, 超級大繞腳 Super around the leg, 繞手 Around the arm, 繞手反手拋 Around the arm + Toss, 繞手旋轉木馬, 小小世界Small world, 金手指 Golden finger
- 繞手雲霄飛車 Around the arm + roller coaster (raw)
- 繞手翻山越嶺 Around the arm + roller coaster 2 (raw)
- 拋鈴轉身 Toss and Turn (created by Andew Wung)
- 拋鈴跳繩 Jump rope (created by Andew Wung)
- 跳鈴 Jump rope + Whip (raw)
- 小小世界接鈴 Small world + Whip (raw)
- 六個太陽 Six Sun (raw)
- 左右開弓 Advanced Go-go power ranger (raw)
- 金手指釣魚 Golden finger toss (raw)
- 大車輪 Around the World (raw)
- Around the body (raw)
- 棒棒糖 Lollipop (raw)
- 左右逢源 Black & Yellow (raw)
- 魔術開鈴 Magic Knot (raw)
- 拋鈴Tossing into the sky Exchange Yo-Yo, 繞手Around the arm (Two people synchronized), 金龍繞玉柱Around the leg (Two people synchronized), 蜘蛛結網 Spider web Exchange Yo-Yo, 天蠺變 Cicada (One hand from each person), 天蠺再變 Double Cicada (One hand from each person), 拋鈴Tossing into the sky (One hand from each person), 金手指釣魚 One hand from each person
- 繞腳龍捲風 Around the leg + Roller Coaster (created by Andew Wung)
- 背後接鈴 Whip from the back (raw)
- 姜太公釣魚 Fishing (created by Andew Wung)
- 摩天輪單手繞鈴 One hand around the world (created by Andew Wung)
- 直立鈴 Stop over (raw), another version (created by Andew Wung)
- 直立鈴 Vertical YoYo (raw), another version (created by Andew Wung)
- 外星人 Vertical YoYo on the stick (raw)
- 石中劍 Excaleber (raw)
- 直立鈴開鈴 Vertical magic knot (raw)
- 超級颶風 Tornado (created by Andew Wung)
- 雙鈴天平 Balance Beam (raw)
- 電風扇 Fan (raw)
- 雙鈴勾接 Double YoYo Flip (raw)
- 雙鈴運鈴 Double YoYo Spin (raw)
- 雙鈴繞腳 Double YoYo Around the Leg (raw)
- 雙鈴繞手 Double YoYo Around the Arm (raw)
- 灑水系統 Sprinkler (raw)
- Design your own trick list