=============================================================================== * What to do Step 1: clone this project via the following command git clone https://github.com/jmlien/cshape.git Step 2: Read your assigment document. Go to folder cshape\assignment and type make or use your faovrite latex editor to compile shape-assignment.tex; It should produce a pdf file. Read the pdf file carefully. Step 3: Compile the code in cshape\code; on windows, visual studio solution file is provided. The executable will be created in cshape\bin; for unix-like platforms, please use the provided makefile. See "To compile" below. Step 4: Finish your assignment. This readme file and shape-assignment.pdf (that you created in Step 1) should help you get started. =============================================================================== * To compile: Just type make If you want openGL display and are using linux, make sure that freeglut is installed http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/ If you don't care about 3-d rendering, change "OPENGL_ON := 1" to "OPENGL_ON := 0" in the Makefile =============================================================================== * To run: Type "shape" to see all the options A typical run will be something like this: shape i.cube # this creates the convex hull of the shape shape -delaunay i.cube # you will implement this shape -crust i.cube # you will implement this shape -alpha 3 i.cube # you will implement this There are several input files in data/ subdirectory. =============================================================================== * before you start coding: read shape.h/c and macros.h read main.c, in particular the part that uses qhull to compute the convex hull =============================================================================== Let me know if there are problems. jmlien@cs.gmu.edu