
OpenSHAPA Plugin

Primary LanguageJava

3D Visualization OpenSHAPA plugin for data from the Ascension 3D motion capture system.

To build:
Open project in Netbeans. Do a Clean & Build the first time. Subsequent times should just require a build.

To run:
Copy the contents of the dist/ folder to ~/Library/Application Support/OpenSHAPA/plugins
(this includes both the AscensionPlugin.jar and the lib directory):

cp -rf dist/* ~/Library/Application\ Support/OpenSHAPA/plugins

Now, in order to run the plugin with OpenGL, we need to copy the Processing OpenGL native libs to a directory that Java can see. In the future this will be integrated into the combined .jar file, but this has not been done yet as the plugin is still in its very early states.

To do, copy the files from the libjogl folder to /Library/Java/Extensions.

sudo cp -rf libjogl/* /Library/Java/Extensions/

This is far from ideal, but it will work for now.

Then just open up OpenSHAPA 1.11, and click Add Data on the Data Viewer. You should see Ascension Plugin as one of the options in the dropdown box. Select that, then select the example data included in the example_data/ directory to view it.