
Open Enterprise Search Platform

Primary LanguageGroovy

Open Enterprise Search Platform (OpenESP)

Welcome to OpenESP, the Open Source Enterprise Search Platform. The project develops an Apache 2.0 licensed distro of Apache Solr. With "distro", we mean Solr as the core plus other components which are frequently needed in an enterprise search setting.

We believe the next logical step in the Lucene/Solr "revolution" is to bring to the masses a free, open distro which enables enterprises around the globe to be up and running with searching their databases, file systems, ECMs and other repositories within minutes after downloading OpenESP. For that reason we include Tomcat and ManifoldCF out of the box.

The project is maintained by committers from the Open Enterprise Search Network. Product homepage is at www.openesp.org and the code is here at GitHub. We very much welcome bug reports and pull requests from anyone using the product.


The project does not currently provide binary distribution. Please build from source.


To build the product from source, please first download the source distribution

  • Click the "ZIP" icon to download a source distribution ZIP file snapshot
  • Or clone the Git repo using command git clone https://github.com/openesp/openesp.git

Now you have the source. The project uses Gradle build system. If you don't have Gradle installed already, simply run the following wrapper command:





Alternatively, if you have Gradle already, simply run


By default this will generate the zip distribution file:

  • build/distributions/openesp-x.y.zip

If you'd also like to build the installer, then run

gradle installer

You will get two more files in the distributions folder:

  • build/distributions/openesp-install-x.y.jar (multi platform installer)
  • build/distributions/OpenESP-Setup-x.y.exe (executable windows installer)

Prerequisites for building the installer

The installer generation depends on IzPack and Launch4J, which must be installed separately. You need:

For Windows, use Launch4J 3.0.2, for OSX, use Launch4J 3.1.0

OSX specific

If you want to user older version of Launch4J, MinGW tools are too old for Intel processors. Try these commands to install (assuming MacPorts):

sudo port install launch4j i386-mingw32-binutils i386-mingw32-w32api
sudo cp /opt/local/bin/i386-mingw32-windres /opt/local/share/launch4j/bin/windres 
sudo cp /opt/local/bin/i386-mingw32-ld /opt/local/share/launch4j/bin/ld
export LAUNCH4J_HOME=/opt/local/share/launch4j


From build directory:




From distribution zip:


jar xf openesp-x.y.zip


jar xf openesp-x.y.zip

Now you can visit OpenESP's admin screen at http://localhost:18080/

If you installed using the intaller, you got the option to install a service (Windows) or a daemon (Linux). To start/stop OpenESP, simply start or stop the service/daemon like you normally do on your platform.

The openespctl script

After install, you may want to do certain tasks, and there is a script called openespctl available for certain common tasks. Type ./bin/openespctl help for a usage explanation.

Enable and disable apps

if you want to disable ManifolfCF (MCF) because you won't need it, simply run

./bin/openespctl disable mcf

and then restart tomcat

Change port number

To change the port number from default 18080 after install, do

./bin/openespctl port 8983

File structure

Deployment layout

Once deployed, the structure of OpenESP folders is as follows:

  ├── bin        : Start scripts like openespctl
  ├── conf       : Configuration for Solr and MCF
  ├── doc        : Admin guide
  ├── lib        : Jar file plugins for Solr and MCF
  ├── logs       : Log output folders
  ├── tomcat     : Tomcat application server
  └── webapps    : Location of web application (war) files

Development (source) layout

Here's the file layout of the source tree

  ├── build.gradle         : build script
  ├── gradle.properties    : global properties, like component versions
  ├── initial              : this is the initial folder structure which will be included in distro
  ├── overlay              : everything in this folder will be overlaid AFTER assembling Solr, Tomcat etc
  ├── documentation        : for developing user documentation. PDF should be placed in initial/doc
  ├── openesp-solr         : Sub project for building (or downloading) Apache Solr
  ├── openesp-mcf          : Sub project for building (or downloading) Apache MCF
  ├── openesp-installer    : Sub project for building the installer
  ├── openesp-admin        : Admin webapp
  ├── openesp-solrmeter    : Bundled SolrMeter app
  ├── openesp-vifun        : Bundled Vifun app
  ├── openesp-zookeeper    : Bundled ZooKeeper
  ├── build.gradle         : The makefile for gradle
  ├── gradle.properties    : Specify global properties here, such as versions for Solr, Tomcat etc
  └── build                : After running gradle, the release artifacts are generated here


Please check the issue tracker for bugs and future plans. The next major features planned include

  • SSL security
  • Search frontend

Engage with the community

If you use the product, please engage with the community


Join the community at Google+ to ask questions and join discussions. For pure Tomcat, Solr or Manifold questions you may also engage directly with their respective communities.

File an issue

If you found a bug or have a feature request, please file an issue

Contribute back your changes

Contributing through GitHub is easy. Whenever you have done some changes you'd like to see in the next release, issue a pull request. Note that you do not need to file a separate issue when using pull requests.

Welcome as a user and as a contributor!