
API Sample using Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sample node.js API using Express and JWT

This project shows a sample of an API in node.js using Express and JWT to implement the security.

See more about JWT in https://jwt.io

In the sample, it is used Mongo DB in order to do the proof of concept of the CRUD in a model.


MongoDB (You can get a database in mlab if you don't have MongoDB installed locally. See more in https://mlab.com/)
Postman, curl or similar to run the calls to the API

Before you start

The application uses the config module to maintain the configurations for deployments in different environments. Only it is tracked on git the sample.json

In the config folder, you can find the file sample.json

  "application": {
    "environment": "test",
    "build": "1"
  "database": {
    "mongodbUri": "mongodb://localhost:27017/api-test"
  "jwt": {
    "secret": "jwt secret"
  "credentials": {
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password"

Copy this file into the next files:


Now you can specify your values. Consider change the values, specifically the password in the credentials and the secret in the jwt object.

Running the application and the tests

To run the application, clone the repository, create your default.json and test.json and use the following commands:

npm install
npm test
npm start

npm install will install the dependencies, npm test will launch the tests and npm start will launch the application on localhost on the port 3000 (The scripts are defined in the package.json)

When the application is running, you can access to the following endpoints:

/health (GET)
/login (POST)
/books (GET, POST)
/books/:id (GET, PUT, DELETE)

Without credentials, you only will access to the health and login endpoints.

Description of the health endpoint



  application: {
    name: "nodeAPI",
    version: "1.0.0",
    build: "1", 
    time: 1489436081787
  request: {
    requestedUrl: "/health",
    id: "64cde43c-c0c8-456d-b9a9-f51d4ed3c149"
  response: {
    version: "1",
    environment: "development",
    startTime: 1489436067937,
    upTime: 14279

In this case, for example, the application.build property is task from the Continuous Integration tool to generate and replace it by the correct value.

How to get a valid token

Use the login endpoint with the valid credentials. In this sample, the unique user and password valid to get a token is defined in the sample.json in the credentials object.

JSON Body content:

  "username": "user",
  "password": "password"


  "username": "user",
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE0ODkzNDM2MzIsImV4cCI6MTQ4OTM0NzIzMn0.snbJCXU-wfBeD4Z0yFIysodrgYUzMeJfacP_93E0fiU"

Now you have a valid token that will be valid 1 hour (Defined in the jwt-handler). With this valid token, you can access the resources in the /books endpoints adding the following header in the call:

Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer your_token

Project structure

Name Description
config/sample.json Sample file to contain your keys and passwords
handlers/book-handler.js Book handler with the CRUD operations
handlers/db-handler.js Database handler
handlers/health-handler.js Health handler to generate the status content
handlers/jwt-handler.js JWT handler to generate new valid tokens
handlers/login-handler.js Simple login handler to give credentials to the user
models/book.js Book model
routes/book.js Routes for the REST endpoints of Book /books
routes/health.js Route for the Health endpoint /health
test/ Test folder
app.js Main application file
package.json NPM dependencies

List of modules

Module Description
body-parser Middleware to parse request bodies in req.body
config Easy configurations for different environments
express Node.js web framework
express-jwt Express middleware that validates a JWT token
express-request-id Express middleware for setting unique request id
jsonwebtoken Json Web Tokens (JWT) implementation for node.js
mongoose MongoDB ODM
chai BDD/TDD assertion library
chai-http HTTP call helper for chai
mocha Test framework


May be freely distributed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2017 Jose M. MorlesĂ­n