
DashBoards for personal MP workflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Plotly Dashboards for personal MP workflows

Usage each app will access data via then MongograntStore's serialized in a db_info.pub.json file.

The file contains a dictionary of variable names and the MongograntStore's they correspond to.

    "db_in1" : ...JSON dump of MongograntStore...,
    "db_in2" : ...JSON dump of MongograntStore...,

Each app needs a get_db function which just returns a list of stores that the user needs to connect to Use the following as an example.

def get_dbs(db_names: List[str], db_file: str = "./db_info.pub.json") -> List:
    """Read the db_file and get the databases corresponding to <<db_name>>

        db_name (List[str]): A list of names of the database we want
        db_file (str): The db_file we are reading from

        List[MongograntStore]: the store we need to access
    db_dict = loadfn(db_file)
    stores = []
    for j_name in db_names:
        if j_name not in db_dict:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The store named {j_name} is missing from the db_file")
    return stores

Note, all of the data stored in the json file is from MongograntStore which should not contain any actually login information, it should only contain your aliases. You can use an additional db_info.priv.json if you wantto be extra careful, or if your insist on using MongoStores instead.