EvoCell 2021


This course covers the installation and use of SAMAP for single-cell cross-species alignment. In addition, some introductory materials for the 2019 course are also saved here. These introductory materials come from Casey Dunn, Cat Munro, Francesco Lamanna, Jonathan Landry, and Jacob Musser.

Installation of SAMap

Manual Installation in Conda Environment

If you don't already have Anaconda or Miniconda installed, download Miniconda here: Miniconda

Download SAMap github directory: SAMap Github

  • click Code, then Download ZIP, save zip file to an easy-to-remember location
  • unzip directory

In Mac/Linux, open a Terminal Window. In Windows click on start and open "Anaconda Prompt (miniconda)#. Then, change directory to the SAMap github directory that you just saved and unzipped.

Create a new conda environment for installing SAMap using the following command:

conda create -n SAMap2 -c conda-forge python=3.7 pip pybind11 h5py=2.10.0 leidenalg python-
 igraph texttable jupyterlab=1.2.0

Activate the new conda environment: conda activate SAMap

Install SAMap with the command pip install .

Open the jupyter lab notebook with the command jupyter lab

Installing SAM GUI

Install additional python libraries:

conda install -c conda-forge -c plotly ipywidgets plotly=4.0.0 colorlover ipyevents

For using SAM GUI in jupyterlab (vs. the classic jupyter notebook), there is one more installation step:

conda install nodejs

Enable ipythonwidgets in Jupyter Lab:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@1.0 --no-build
jupyter labextension install plotlywidget@1.1.0 --no-build
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly@1.1.0 --no-build
jupyter lab build