
A Django micro-startup project for personal feed (RSS/Atom) reading.

Primary LanguageHTML

TODO: Use pip-tools to configure dependencies: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35411399/41829

    Pagination: Use digg style/google style (endless) pagination


  1. run redis-server
  2. Activate the virtualenv env\Scripts\activate.bat 2.a. Install the requirements pip install -r production\requirements.txt
  3. run python manage.py runserver.

Run as production

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=dj.settings.production python3 manage.py runserver



  • git push heroku master

Old: Run fab from the host machine:

  • ssh i.jmnorlund.net

  • sudo su - fedry

  • cd ~/dj && fab production deploy

    Use the above command to deploy with production settings to the production site.