- 1
- 1
Use of ParserOutput::addModules with non-array argument was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.38
#37 opened by noloader - 0
$wgSmjExtraInlineMath doesn't do anything if there isn't a `<math>` tag on the page.
#36 opened by AvverbioPronome - 5
Does not seem to load with MinervaNeue on 1.36.1
#33 opened by Yuubari - 0
Support of Mathjax 2
#35 opened by GreyWolfling - 3
new keyword
#31 opened by chekanov - 0
Missing implementation for $wgSmjEnableMenu
#32 opened by syjung6967 - 4
- 2
- 1
Registering handler for ParserFirstCallInit before MediaWiki bootstrap complete was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.35
#24 opened by lens0021 - 2
dollar sign is not available
#4 opened by HDNua - 4
compatibility with wikipedia
#25 opened by chekanov - 5
- 6
Missing features/ compartibility problem
#21 opened by chekanov - 0
- 3
Context menu missing
#19 opened by sm8ps - 1
Undefined control sequence
#14 opened by itaJames - 1
Problem with numeration of formulas
#17 opened by GreyWolfling - 1
미디어위키 최신버전 사용시 콘솔 메세지
#20 opened by zlzleking - 0
- 4
- 1
- 1
Alternative CDN providers
#6 opened by musinsky - 1
Problem with SimpleMathJax rendering on Firefox
#1 opened by p-i-