
RxJava support for Jersey resources both server and client

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

RxJersey - Reactive Jersey Feature

Build Status Maven Central

RxJersey is RxJava extension for Jersey framework providing non-blocking Jax-RS server and client. RxJersey target is to handle large amount requests in small static set of threads, which is highly suitable for microservice applications.

Library uses Jersey 2 async support with @Suspended and AsyncResponse under the hood.

Note that Jersey 2.26+ support is not released yet, you can obtain it from JitPack


  • RxJava Support
  • RxJava 2 Support
  • RxJava Proxy Client
  • Async Request Interceptors
  • Dropwizard bundle


  • Futures support
  • Vert.x integration
  • Improved proxy client

Maven Artifacts

Maven Central

compile "net.winterly.rxjersey:dropwizard:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "net.winterly.rxjersey:rxjava-client:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "net.winterly.rxjersey:rxjava-server:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "net.winterly.rxjersey:rxjava2-client:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "net.winterly.rxjersey:rxjava2-server:$rxJerseyVersion"


Most recent snapshot is available via JitPack

compile "com.github.alex-shpak.rx-jersey:dropwizard:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "com.github.alex-shpak.rx-jersey:rxjava-client:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "com.github.alex-shpak.rx-jersey:rxjava-server:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "com.github.alex-shpak.rx-jersey:rxjava2-client:$rxJerseyVersion"
compile "com.github.alex-shpak.rx-jersey:rxjava2-server:$rxJerseyVersion"


public class GithubResource {

    private GithubApi githubApi;

    public Single<GithubRepository> getRepository() {
        return githubApi.getRepository("alex-shpak", "rx-jersey").toSingle();


public interface GithubApi {

    Observable<GithubRepository> getRepository(@PathParam("user") String username, @PathParam("repo") String repo);
