
Parse and convert numbers written in French, English or Spanish into their digit representation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Documentation Status

text2num is a python package that provides functions and parser classes for:

  • parsing numbers expressed as words in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese and convert them to integer values;
  • detect ordinal, cardinal and decimal numbers in a stream of French, English, Spanish and Portuguese words and get their decimal digit representations. Spanish does not support ordinal numbers yet.


Tested on python 3.7. Requires Python >= 3.6.


This sofware is distributed under the MIT license of which you should have received a copy (see LICENSE file in this repository).


text2num does not depend on any other third party package.

To install text2num in your (virtual) environment:

pip install text2num

That's all folks!

Usage examples

Parse and convert

French examples:

>>> from text_to_num import text2num
>>> text2num('quatre-vingt-quinze', "fr")

>>> text2num('nonante-cinq', "fr")

>>> text2num('mille neuf cent quatre-vingt dix-neuf', "fr")

>>> text2num('dix-neuf cent quatre-vingt dix-neuf', "fr")

>>> text2num("cinquante et un million cinq cent soixante dix-huit mille trois cent deux", "fr")

>>> text2num('mille mille deux cents', "fr")
ValueError: invalid literal for text2num: 'mille mille deux cent'

English examples:

>>> from text_to_num import text2num

>>> text2num("fifty-one million five hundred seventy-eight thousand three hundred two", "en")

>>> text2num("eighty-one", "en")

Spanish examples:

>>> from text_to_num import text2num
>>> text2num("ochenta y uno", "es")

>>> text2num("nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve", "es")

>>> text2num("cincuenta y tres millones doscientos cuarenta y tres mil setecientos veinticuatro", "es")

Portuguese examples:

>>> from text_to_num import text2num
>>> text2num("trinta e dois", "pt")

>>> text2num("mil novecentos e seis", "pt")

>>> text2num("vinte e quatro milhões duzentos mil quarenta e sete", "pt")

Find and transcribe

Any numbers, even ordinals.


>>> from text_to_num import alpha2digit
>>> sentence = (
...         "Huit cent quarante-deux pommes, vingt-cinq chiens, mille trois chevaux, "
...         "douze mille six cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit clous.\n"
...         "Quatre-vingt-quinze vaut nonante-cinq. On tolère l'absence de tirets avant les unités : "
...         "soixante seize vaut septante six.\n"
...         "Nombres en série : douze quinze zéro zéro quatre vingt cinquante-deux cent trois cinquante deux "
...         "trente et un.\n"
...         "Ordinaux: cinquième troisième vingt et unième centième mille deux cent trentième.\n"
...         "Décimaux: douze virgule quatre-vingt dix-neuf, cent vingt virgule zéro cinq ; "
...         "mais soixante zéro deux."
...     )
>>> print(alpha2digit(sentence))
842 pommes, 25 chiens, 1003 chevaux, 12698 clous.
95 vaut 95. On tolère l'absence de tirets avant les unités : 76 vaut 76.
Nombres en série : 12 15 004 20 52 103 52 31.
Ordinaux: 5ème 3ème 21ème 100ème 1230ème.
Décimaux: 12,99, 120,05 ; mais 60 02.


>>> from text_to_num import alpha2digit

>>> text = "On May twenty-third, I bought twenty-five cows, twelve chickens and one hundred twenty five point forty kg of potatoes."
>>> alpha2digit(text, "en")
'On May 23rd, I bought 25 cows, 12 chickens and 125.40 kg of potatoes.'

Spanish (ordinals not supported):

>>> from text_to_num import alpha2digit

>>> text = "Compramos veinticinco vacas, doce gallinas y ciento veinticinco coma cuarenta kg de patatas."
>>> alpha2digit(text, "es")
'Compramos 25 vacas, 12 gallinas y 125.40 kg de patatas.'

>>> text = "Tenemos mas veinte grados dentro y menos quince fuera."
>>> alpha2digit(text, "es")
'Tenemos +20 grados dentro y -15 fuera.'


 >>> from text_to_num import alpha2digit

 >>> text = "Comprámos vinte e cinco vacas, doze galinhas e cento vinte e cinco vírgula quarenta kg de batatas."
 >>> alpha2digit(text, "pt")
 'Comprámos 25 vacas, 12 galinhas e 125,40 kg de batatas.'

 >>> text = "Temos mais vinte graus dentro e menos quinze fora."
 >>> alpha2digit(text, "pt")
'Temos +20 graus dentro e -15 fora.'

 >>> text = "Ordinais: quinto, terceiro, vigésimo, vigésimo primeiro, centésimo quarto"
>>> alpha2digit(text, "pt")
'Ordinais: 5º, terceiro, 20ª, 21º, 104º'

Read the complete documentation on ReadTheDocs.


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