Full-stack monolithic application developed using the Ruby on Rails framework, with styling implemented using Tailwind CSS. It provides users with a comprehensive platform to efficiently manage their personal budget. Leveraging the robustness of Ruby on Rails and the flexibility of Tailwind CSS.
- jmonto55Colombia - LATAM
- dfsalamPaipa, Colombia
- lojachoLoja - Ecuador.
- kit0-0India
- NkalethLima,Perú
- sadjokeriana
- SimonGideonNairobi, Kenya
- lincoln1883
- JakariaJishanDhaka, Bangladesh
- anas599Canada
- RebelzobCarrigaline, Ireland
- dennis-everyRemote San Francisco, CA, USA
- NelsonAraujo93Colombia
- jorgeabrahanHonduras
- sebalp100Argentina