
The idea for this assignment is to make a message board that allows you to post messages and list them. The user can also edit/delete the posts. When you hit Post, the list disappears and the Post appears and one you submit the post the list appears and so on. For UI (the attached image will give you an idea), please use JS/jQuery and optionally Backbone, Coffeescript, Bootstrap. Also, any features functionality or UI elements that you want to change/innovate, you are more than welcome to do so. Also, feel free to go above and beyond if you feel like it. On a server-side, use Rails to persist the data. Write specs in Rspec/cucumber/selenium/Jasmine or any other approach that you want to showcase. We want to see a a couple of thing in the same exercise - 1. Use of optimal OO and MVC design patterns 2. Tests (Rspec/cucumber or anything of your choice) 3. Persistence in DB 4. UI using Javascript (backbone is a big plus) 5. lean development, simplicity and clarity of code Once done, can you throw the project up on Heroku so we can play around with it and zip the code and send it over to me for review or put it on Github.

Primary LanguageRuby


The idea for this assignment is to make a message board that allows you to post messages and list them. The user can also edit/delete the posts. When you hit Post, the list disappears and the Post appears and one you submit the post the list appears and so on. For UI (the attached image will give you an idea), please use JS/jQuery and optionally Backbone, Coffeescript, Bootstrap. Also, any features functionality or UI elements that you want to change/innovate, you are more than welcome to do so. Also, feel free to go above and beyond if you feel like it. On a server-side, use Rails to persist the data. Write specs in Rspec/cucumber/selenium/Jasmine or any other approach that you want to showcase. We want to see a a couple of thing in the same exercise - 1. Use of optimal OO and MVC design patterns 2. Tests (Rspec/cucumber or anything of your choice) 3. Persistence in DB 4. UI using Javascript (backbone is a big plus) 5. lean development, simplicity and clarity of code Once done, can you throw the project up on Heroku so we can play around with it and zip the code and send it over to me for review or put it on Github.

Useful stuff

heroku plugins:install git://github.com/ddollar/heroku-sql-console.git





