This is basically the beginnign of a game that I have abandonned after about a month of work, as I was learning Blitz3D, and had other projects and ambitions, I figured this is not exactly lining up to be what I wanted to do and just stopped working on it, and leaned towards learning more than coding.
The gaem has no enneries, but you can deffinitely shoot and control a few things. Since it is a 1st person shooter maze type of game, you can leave traces around as the mazes are pretty big, they can be useful. The whole maze looks the same but the logic I had in mind was to inteligently use the maze generator to make more intricate settings.
There are a few hidden easter eggs in this. Good luck in making this work as it was written way back in April-May 2003 on an AMD Athlon single core single thread with a basic VGA monitor and old skool graphics card.