
Queryable Kafka Topics with Kafka Streams

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Queryable Kafka Topics with Kafka Streams

This repository provides the source code for our blog post on Medium.

It includes an example implementation of a Kafka Streams application that provides a key-value query interface to the messages of a key-partitioned Kafka topic.

Additionally, a Dockerfile and a Kubernetes deployment specification demonstrate how the application can be easily deployed to a Kubernetes Cluster.

Quick Start

Compile the project using Maven:

mvn package

Start one or more instances of the Kafka Streams application:

./streams-processor                         \
    --topic messages                        \
    --streams-props                         \
        bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092    \
        num.standby.replicas=1              \
    --application-id my-streams-processor   \
    --hostname localhost