
Create a paginated version of a backbone collection that stays in sync.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Create a read-only paginated version of a backbone collection that stays in sync.

var superset = new Backbone.Collection(/* ... */);

// By default there are 20 models per page, but you can configure this
var paginated = new PaginatedCollection(superset, { perPage: 100 });

// Assuming superset.length === 401
assert(paginated.getNumPages() === 4);
assert(paginated.getPage() === 0);
assert(paginated.length === 100);

// Go to the next page
assert(paginated.getPage() === 1);

// Move to the last page
assert(paginated.length === 1);


new PaginatedCollection

Initialize a new PaginatedCollection by passing in the original collection and optionally an options hash with the number of models per page. If no perPage argument is passed the collection will always maintain the length of the original collection.

var paginated = new PaginatedCollection(originalCollection);

// or

var paginated = new PaginatedCollection(originalCollection, { perPage: 15 });


Change the number of models displayed per page. This will reset the current page to 0.


Change the page. If the page is less than 0, it will be set to 0. If it is longer than the number of pages, the last page will be selected.


Return the current setting for number of models per page.


Return the current number of pages.


Return the current page. E.G. if this returns 0, you're on the first page.


Returns true if this is not the last page.


Returns true if this is not the first page.


Move delta pages forwards or backwards (if delta is negative).

Ex: paginated.movePage(-2) will move two pages back.


Move to the next page. Equivalent to paginated.movePage(1).


Move to the previous page. Equivalent to paginated.movePage(-1).


Move to the first page of the collection. Equivalent to paginated.setPage(0).


Move to the last page of the collection. Equivalent to paginated.setPage(paginated.getNumPages() - 1).


Get rid of any paginated settings. This means the paginated collection will always be equal to the superset.


Return a reference to the original collection.


Remove all ties to the superset and stop updating. Will now be garbage collected when it falls out of scope.


add, remove, change, reset should fire as you expect.

paginated:change:perPage - Fired whenever the number of models per page is changed. If you remove the pagination settings, perPage will be passed as null.

paginated:change:page - Fired whenever the page is changed.

paginated:change:numPages - Fired whenever the number of pages is changed.

paginated:destroy - Fired when the proxy is destroyed


Usage with Bower

Install with Bower:

bower install backbone-paginated-collection

The component can be used as a Common JS module, an AMD module, or a global.

Usage with Browserify

Install with npm, use with Browserify

> npm install backbone-paginated-collection

and in your code

var PaginatedCollection = require('backbone-paginated-collection');

Usage as browser global

You can include backbone-paginated-collection.js directly in a script tag. Make sure that it is loaded after underscore and backbone. It's exported as PaginatedCollection on the global object.

<script src="underscore.js"></script>
<script src="backbone.js"></script>
<script src="backbone-paginated-collection.js"></script>


Install Node (comes with npm) and Bower.

From the repo root, install the project's development dependencies:

npm install
bower install

Testing relies on the Karma test-runner. If you'd like to use Karma to automatically watch and re-run the test file during development, it's easiest to globally install Karma and run it from the CLI.

npm install -g karma
karma start

To run the tests in Firefox, just once, as CI would:

npm test
