
Some useful file watchers for PyCharm.

MIT LicenseMIT

PyCharm File Watchers

This repository contains some file watchers for PyCharm I've found useful.

Included watchers

  • Format the current file using black
  • Reorder imports in the current file using isort


To use these file watchers, the active Python environment (e.g. project-specific virtual environment) should have black and isort installed. The file watchers will try to run the black and isort binaries in the current interpreter directory ($PyInterpreterDirectory$/black and $PyInterpreterDirectory$/isort).


  1. Download the watchers.xml file
  2. Open Preferences > File Watchers and click Import
  3. Select watchers.xml
  4. Click Apply to save the changes

The file watchers should execute the next time the a Python file is saved. For security purposes, PyCharm will ask you to trust the file watchers the first time they are triggered.