
Utilities for manipulation of multimedia files, primarily dance videos

Primary LanguageShell


Utilities for manipulation of multimedia files, primarily dance videos


  • ffmpeg

Batch Resizing

cd src
./resize_all_videos.sh --help

Note that the path specifications to input files must be provided between single quotes, if it contains wildcards characters, e.g.

./resize_all_videos.sh -i './blah/Zouk/Casa_do_Zouk2016/*.mp4' -o ~/Videos/Zouk/Casa_do_Zouk2016/

To force overwritting existing files use the -f option

./resize_all_videos.sh -i './blah/Zouk/Casa_do_Zouk2016/*.mp4' -f -o ~/Videos/Zouk/Casa_do_Zouk2016/

At the time of writing, resolution is reduced if the file resolution is more than 1024*780. The file is reencodded even if there is no reduction, as ffmpeg often improves on the size of the output of digital cameras, as an anecdotal observation.

Batch File Renaming

Because filenames with blanks always throw a spanner in the works...

cd /path/to/video/directory/
find . -iname "* *.*" | while read f
  /path/to/multimedia-utils/src/remove_fname_spaces.sh "$f";

Other information

Getting the resolution information of a video file:

ffprobe -v quiet -print_format flat -show_streams filename.mp4 | grep "\.width"
./get_size_all_videos.sh ~/Videos/Dance/Original/Kizomba/ > ~/Videos/KizRes.txt

Command line tools to edit video metadata files; there may not be that many actually. Not sure easytag got things right. However mp4tags was handy; comes with the following Debian package:

sudo apt-get install mp4v2-utils

And particularly handy to write metadata in a bunch of files via wildcards:

mp4tags -A "Casa do Zouk 2015" -c "Casa do Zouk 2015" -e "J-M" -g "Zouk" -i "movie" -l "Workshops at Casa do Zouk 2015" -m "Workshops at Casa do Zouk 2015" -O "Dance" -y 2015 ${my_dir}/*.mp4

Another tool of interest is AtomicParsley. It may be more actively maintained than mp4tags. Consider depending on feature needs