
Parse and display a markdown content with GitHub style

Primary LanguageCSS




<urlmd> gets a markdown file and HTML encodes it. See also <markdown> argument.

<return> controls which parts are returned. Possible values are: all|begin|content|end.

<title> is written at top of the markdown content.

<markdown> text is parsed as markdown content and HTML encoded.

Fonction: This HTML page parses a markdown content and returns it as an HTML encoded content.

Note 1: Arguments can be sent by GET or POST method. GET method is prioritized over POST. POST method is mandatory for long markdown content.

Note 2: <urlmd> argument is prioritized over <markdown> argument.




Fonction: This HTML page asks for a local markdown filename content and displays it.

Note: Due to JavaScript security restrictions, HTML pages can't open any files other than of <input type="file"...> elements.