
This repository contains three projects that will be realized over the course of the winter semester of 2019/20 within the scope of a programming practical course.

Documents regarding the projects with their explanations can be found in the Pleanartermine folder and inside the Milestones folder can be found both more information regarding each project and their corresponding code.

Here is a link to each respectively:

General recommendations

Each project will be layed out according to some general recommendations previously settled.

Folder structure

The first folder layout is already defined inside the Game of life code folder and it consists of a bin folder containing all compiled binaries, a build for the object files, which should be cleaned, doc for all extra documentation to be later generated with doxygen, include with the projects header files, lib for third party programs, src with all cpp extension files and test for the tests, as well as a and Makefile to compile the entire project.

Compiler of choice

The chosen compiler for console programs in pure c++ is the g++ to allow the usage of features from the c++17 standard library, since the GNU compiler contains optimizations for the newest and most innovative features of the programming language

Follow C++ standards

Since C++ has multiple tools available to perform the same task, in order to preserve an easy connection to its parent C, one needs to choose which types and functions to use very carefull. We will use exclusively C++ standards and avoid actively any C type.


Testing is done using the catch2 library. For more details read this. All tests are found inside the /test folder.


Keeps performance optimizations like extra flags in the compilation file for the last step, to be performed after the testing


The entire project will be programmed in C++ and using Qt as the graphical user interface framework. The following links consist of usefull resources to learn both language and framework.



Aditional information regarding cellular automatons