
my first repository.

Primary LanguageJava



Getting Started


$ javac -g HelloWorld.java

###Usage $ java HelloWorld [ recipient ]


Fruit Color
Apple Red
Banana YellowTrick_19_5_1
Cocanut Brown
Grape Purple

About Trick

Trick is developed on RHEL 6 and the free alternatives. (We use Scientific Linux)

Trick depends on quite a few packages. To install these packages on yum based systems. docker run --name my_SIM_cannon --rm -P -it sim_cannon

yum install bison flex gcc gcc-c++ java-1.7.0-openjdk libxml2-devel make openmotif \
openmotif-devel python python-devel perl swig zlib-devel

In addition, clang/llvm is also required and not included and will have to be compiled from source.

See full documentation at http://alexlin0.github.io/hello_world


Allocate a Trick variable, of the specified name, type and dimension.

void* TMM_declare_var( TRICK_TYPE type, const char*class_name, int n_stars, const char* var_name, int n_cdims, int *cdims);
  • type - TRICK_TYPE.
  • class_name - class or struct name if @b type is TRICK_STRUCTURED, otherwise @b class_name should be "".
  • n_stars - number of asterisks in the variable declaration.
  • var_name - (optional) name of the allocation. ="" for anonymous allocations.
  • n_cdims - number of constrained/fixed dimensions. =0 for unarrayed variables.
  • cdims - array of dimension sizes.

$$\vec{F_{thrust_{body}}} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \ 0 \end{bmatrix}{body} \cdot thrust{actual}$$

  • returns - an address to the allocated memory or NULL on failure.


We don't need no steekin' license!

$$\begin{bmatrix} \vec{v} \ \vec{p} \ \psi \end{bmatrix} = \int_{t}^{t+\delta t} \begin{bmatrix} \vec{a} \ \vec{v} \ \dot{\psi} \end{bmatrix} \mathrm{d} t$$

$$\vec{a} = \frac{\vec{F_{total}}}{m}$$

$$\vec{F_{total}} =\vec{F_{thrust}} + \vec{F_{drag}} + + \vec{F_{turning}}$$

$$\vec{F_{drag_{body}}} = \begin{bmatrix} -1 \ 0 \end{bmatrix}_{body} \cdot drag$$

$$speed = \left| \vec{v} \right| = \sqrt{v_{x}^2 + v_{y}^2}$$

$$thrust_{desired} = C_{drag} \times speed_{desired}^2$$

$$\vec{F_{thrust_{body}}} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \ 0 \end{bmatrix}{body} \cdot thrust{actual}$$

$$\dot{\psi}{desired} = G{\psi}(\psi_{desired} - \psi)$$

$$\vec{F_{total_{world}}} = \begin{bmatrix} cos\psi & -sin\psi \\ sin\psi & cos\psi\\ \end{bmatrix} \vec{F_{total_{body}}}$$

$\left| \psi_{diff} \right| > \pi$

How to "Containerize" Trick With Docker

This HOWTO assumes that we building our Docker images on a Linux system. If you're using MacOS or Windows, the translation should hopefully be fairly straight forward.


  • Docker is installed on your machine.
  • A basic familiarity with Docker. "A Docker Tutorial for Beginners" is an excellent way.
  • A basic familiarity with bash shell scripting.

Create a Place to Build Our Docker Images

For this HOWTO we'll try to stay organized by first creating a directory in which we can build our Docker images. Let's also create and environment variable for this directory.

mkdir DockerPlayGround
export DOCKER_PLAYGROUND="`pwd`/DockerPlayGround"

Docker Image That Contains a Basic Trick Environment

In this example we'll build a Docker image, based on Ubuntu 18.04, with Trick 19.5.1 installed.


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The image we are building with THIS Dockerfile is based on the ubuntu:18.04
# Docker image from dockerhub (hub.docker.com).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FROM ubuntu:18.04

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Install Trick Dependencies identified at
# https://nasa.github.io/trick/documentation/install_guide/Install-Guide#ubuntu
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
bison \
clang \
flex \
git \
llvm \
make \
maven \
swig \
cmake \
curl \
g++ \
libx11-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libxt-dev \
libmotif-common \
libmotif-dev \
python3-dev \
zlib1g-dev \
llvm-dev \
libclang-dev \
libudunits2-dev \
libgtest-dev \
openjdk-11-jdk \


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Trick version 19.5.1 from GitHub, configure and build it.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We want to clone Trick into the /apps directory of our image.
# Get the 19.5.1 branch (an official release) of Trick from Github.
RUN git clone -b 19.5.1 https://github.com/nasa/trick.git
# cd into the directory we just created and ..
WORKDIR /apps/trick
# configure and make Trick.
RUN ./configure && make

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add ${TRICK_HOME}/bin to the PATH variable.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENV TRICK_HOME="/apps/trick"
RUN echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${TRICK_HOME}/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

CMD ["/bin/bash"]

Building the docker image:

  • Create a directory for building this docker image:

    mkdir TRICK_19_5_1
    cd TRICK_19_5_1
  • Create a file named Dockerfile that contains the content listed above.

  • Build the Docker image by executing: docker build --tag trick:19.5.1 .

  • When the build completes, execute : docker images.

    You should see a record of the image that you just created:

    REPOSITORY         TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    trick              19.5.1    1023a17d7b78   2 minutes ago  2.61GB

Running the docker image:

To instanciate a container from the image: docker run --rm -it trick:19.5.1

You should see the bash shell prompt from your container. Something like:


Execute: ls at the prompt to see that it contains Trick.

CMakeLists.txt  Makefile                autoconf      configure  lib      test_overrides.mk trickops.py
CMakeModules.   README.md               bin           docs       libexec  test_sims.yml     trigger
CMakeTestFiles  TrickLogo.png           config.log    doxygen    share    trick_sims
LICENSE         TrickLogo_darkmode.png. config.status include    test     trick_source

This docker container contains a full Trick development environment. You can't run GUI applications on it but you can build a simulation.

Containerize a Trick Simulation


  • The trick:19.5.1 docker image described above.


In this example, we'll create a docker image from which we can run (a version of) SIM_cannon_numeric, one of the variants of Trick's Cannon Ball simulation. This image will be based on the Trick:19.5.1 image the we previously built.

Our containerized simulation won't start any variable server clients like the sim-control panel or graphics clients, because we can't easily run graphics clients from within the container. But, we can easily connect graphics clients running on the host machine to our containerized simulation.

Creating a Docker friendly version of SIM_cannon_numeric

🟢 Create a directory for building this docker image:

mkdir SIM_cannon_docker_build
cd SIM_cannon_docker_build
  • Create a directory for our version of SIM_cannon.

    mkdir SIM_cannon_docker
    cd SIM_cannon_docker
  • Copy the SIM_cannon_numeric S_define file into the current directory.

    curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nasa/trick/19.5.1/trick_sims/Cannon/SIM_cannon_numeric/S_define
  • Copy SIM_cannon_numeric include files.

    curl --create-dirs --output models/cannon/gravity/include/cannon.h \
    curl --create-dirs --output models/cannon/gravity/include/cannon_numeric.h \
  • Copy SIM_cannon_numeric source files.

    curl --create-dirs --output models/cannon/gravity/src/cannon_init.c \
    curl --create-dirs --output models/cannon/gravity/src/cannon_numeric.c \
  • Create a file named S_overrides.mk that contains the following content:

    TRICK_CFLAGS   += -Imodels
    TRICK_CXXFLAGS += -Imodels
  • Create and enter a directory named RUN_demo and enter it:

    mkdir RUN_demo
    cd RUN_demo
  • Create a file named input.py that contains the following content:


    ❗ Notice that we are NOT starting a SIM-control-panel, or the graphics client.

    ❗ Notice that we are explicitly setting the variable server listen port.

    ❗ Notice that these are the only real differences in the simulation.

The Graphics Client

Even though the simulation won't be starting the graphics clients, we will be starting and connecting the graphics clients to the containerized simulation.

cd ${DOCKER_PLAYGROUND}/SIM_cannon_docker_build/SIM_cannon_docker
curl --create-dirs --output models/graphics/src/CannonDisplay.java \
curl --create-dirs --output models/graphics/Makefile \

Download CannonBoom.wav from here, and Explosion.wav from here and save them in models/graphics/resources/.

  • Builld the cannon graphics client.

    cd ${DOCKER_PLAYGROUND}/SIM_cannon_docker_build/SIM_cannon_docker/models/graphics

Building the Docker Image


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The image we are building with THIS Dockerfile is based on the trick:19.5.1
# Docker image that we built previously.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FROM trick:19.5.1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy the simulation source code into the image and build it.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set current working directory to the directory where we want our SIM code.
WORKDIR /apps/SIM_cannon
# Copy the simulation source code from our (host) image-build directory into our
# image.
COPY SIM_cannon_docker .
# Build the SIM.
RUN /apps/trick/bin/trick-CP

# In out simulation, we decided to use port 9001 for our
# variable server port. We did this by adding
# "trick.var_server_set_port(9001)" to our input file.

#Expose the variable server port.
EXPOSE 9001/tcp

# Make a script to run SIM_cannon from the /apps directory.
RUN echo "#! /bin/bash" >> /apps/run_sim.shdocker run --rm -P sim_cannon_docker
RUN echo "cd /apps/SIM_cannon" >> /apps/run_sim.sh
RUN echo "./S_main_Linux_7.5_x86_64.exe RUN_demo/input.py" >> /apps/run_sim.sh
RUN chmod +x /apps/run_sim.sh

CMD ["/apps/run_sim.sh"]
  • Make sure you're in the right directory.
   cd ${DOCKER_PLAYGROUND}/SIM_cannon_docker_build
  • Create a file named Dockerfile that contains the content listed above.

  • Build the Docker image by executing: docker build --tag sim_cannon_docker .

  • When the build completes, execute : docker images.

    You should see a record of the image that you just created:

    REPOSITORY          TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    sim_cannon_docker   latest    d4547502c2a4   13 seconds ago   2.61GB
    trick               19.5.1    1023a17d7b78   2 minutes ago    2.61GB

Running the docker image:

To instanciate a container from the image: docker run --name felix --rm -P sim_cannon_docker &

  • In a host terminal (not in the container) execute: "docker port felix" to see what host-port container-port 9001 has been mapped to.

You should see something like:

     9001/tcp ->
     9001/tcp -> [::]:32783

This shows that port 9001 in our container has been mapped to port 32783 on our host computer. So, in this case we would connect our (host) java client to: localhost:32783

If Trick is installed on your host then you can:

trick-simcontrol localhost <port> &
java -jar SIM_cannon_docker/models/graphics/dist/CannonDisplay.jar <port> &