
Javascript solutions to Codewars challenges

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Javascript solutions to Codewars challenges

The reason why I wanted to document my codewars progress is mainly because in the future I might want to reference back to some useful scripts that I might have created in the process of solving these challenges.

Another reason is that I prefer to work on my IDE of choice (Webstorm) rather than the web editor they offer.

In case you're not aware of what Codewars is, here you can find more info about it www.codewars.com/r/L-Hz7g.

If you want to check some of my solutions I'd recommend looking at the src/solution-name.js and test/solution-name.js files, the latter have more info about the challenge in general, including the link to the codewar challenge itself and its description.