My Emacs configuration. This is a reorganization of my current setup. This setup uses the built in package facility.
Emacs 28.x+ Linux, OSX, or Windows
This repo no longer works with versions of Emacs <27. It can be made to work with it if the devdocs package is excluded.
To use this clone the repo and run the script ./
in a Linux or OSX environment. To use in a Windows environment run the script install.cmd
(with powershell). This does NOT backup your current .emacs.d
directory in your home directory; it performs a fresh install. When Emacs starts for the first time on a fresh install there will be a delay (it will look like the app is frozen). The initial install of the packages takes some time to download and install.
- auctex
- auto-complete
- bookmark+
- cmake-mode
- company
- company-jedi
- devdocs
- dictionary
- dockerfile-mode
- elpy
- expand-region
- fill-column-indicator
- flycheck
- ggtags
- git-blamed
- go-mode
- google-c-style
- groovy-mode
- haml-mode
- hl-line+
- jedi
- js2-mode
- json-mode
- lorem-ipsum
- magit
- markdown-mode
- move-text
- php-mode
- prettier-js
- powershell
- pydoc-info
- python-mode
- rainbow-delimiters
- realgud
- slime
- tidy
- typescript-mode
- undo-tree
- virtualenvwrapper
- web-mode
- window-number
- ws-butler
- yaml-mode
- yasnippet
It also contains two custom modes that I wrote:
- asciidoc-mode
- mmd-mode (multimarkdown mode, a derivative of markdown-mode)