
Sample Example Project/App in android to implement in app purchase using Google Play Billing Library.

Primary LanguageJava


Sample Example Project/App in android to implement in app purchase using Google Play Billing Library.

This is sample project include in app purchase code for one time product (non consumable) multiple in app purchase product items.
Library version used 3.0.3 i.e implementation "com.android.billingclient:billing:3.0.3"

Get Latest Library Version 5.0.0 Code with in app purchase and subscription (includes both Java & kotlin) from here
i.e implementation "com.android.billingclient:billing:5.0.0"

Live Demo: For Play Store App


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Youtube Channel: Program Town

Instruction To Use

  1. Create Product ID's on your Google play console account.

  2. Change package name according to yours.

  3. Copy base64Key key from Google play console account and paste it inside base64Key variable in code under MainActivity.

  4. Copy created Product ID's from Google play console account and paste it inside variable in code under MainActivity.

  5. Upload app inside playstore and then test the application.

Note: App must be uploaded to playstore in alpha or production track and must pass the review in order to test In App Purchase.

Screen Shoots

pmul3-1-709x1536 pmul4-709x1536 pmul5-709x1536

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