
Prometheus exporter for Bitcoin Wallet Balances - Log Bitcoin Balances for any address you want!

Primary LanguageGo

BTCexporter Docker Build Status

A lightweight Prometheus exporter that will output Bitcoin Balances from a list of addresses you specify. BTCexporter uses blockchain.info to fetch bitcoin balances. If you also wanting a Ethereum prometheus exporter, you can use ETHexporter which uses a geth server. You might also want to chart your ERC20 token balances for the Ethereum blockchain, checkout out TOKENexporter.

Watch Addresses

The addresses.txt file holds all the addresses to fetch balances for. Use the format name:address on each new line. BTCexporter updates balances every 60 seconds since the bitcoin blockchain doesn't update very quickly.


Running the Exporter

You can easily run this Bitcoin balance prometheus exporter with the docker command:

docker run -it -d -p 9019:9019 \
  -v /myfolder/addresses.txt:/app/addresses.txt \ 

Build Docker Image

Clone this repo and then follow the simple steps below!

Build Docker Image

docker build -t hunterlong/btcexporter:latest .

Run ethexporter

docker run -d -p 9019:9019 hunterlong/btcexporter:latest

Pull from Dockerhub

Create a addresses.txt file with the correct format mentioned above.

docker run -d -v ~/btcexporter:/app \
 -p 9019:9019 \

The Docker image should be running with the default addresses.

Prometheus Response

btc_balance{name="example2",address="1Kr6QSydW9bFQG1mXiPNNu6WpJGmUa9i1g"} 2543.029143
btc_balance{name="example3",address="17A16QmavnUfCW11DAApiJxp7ARnxN5pGX"} 7286.88533
btc_balance{name="example4",address="1DcKsGnjpD38bfj6RMxz945YwohZUTVLby"} 1271.125171
btc_balance{name="example5",address="3JjPf13Rd8g6WAyvg8yiPnrsdjJt1NP4FC"} 129.7400535
btc_balance{name="example6",address="1TjstSNNZezhTMj6m9pcGwMr1fxLhwUuH"} 0
btc_balance{name="example7",address="1NDyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s"} 42094.21118
btc_balance{name="example8",address="3DzSVk4veMCkNbNT9CdETeE26uWxmNbBnD"} 1243.824953
btc_balance{name="example9",address="1LV5y3NkVkmdWnF6xRCEXrAnUkRgge4KSq"} 529.1578158
btc_balance{name="example10",address="1EEqRvnS7XqMoXDcaGL7bLS3hzZi1qUZm1"} 1377.11966