A curated list of awesome Rancher resources inspired by the awesome list.
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Rancher is an open source software platform that enables organizations to run containers in production. With Rancher, organizations no longer have to build a container services platform from scratch using a distinct set of open source technologies. Rancher supplies the entire software stack needed to manage containers in production.
- Getting started
- Resources
- Rancher 2.0
- Rancher 1.0
- Twitter accounts to follow
- Connect with Rancher
- Contributing
- Installing Rancher Server
- Upgrading Rancher Server
- Environments
- Hosts
- Registries
- Working with Cattle
- Working with Kubernetes
- Working with Mesos
- Using the catalog
- API Documentation
- Project Plan
- Rancher monitoring with Prometheus
- Rancher 2.0
- Getting started guide
- Rancher 2.0 FAQ
- Rancher 2.0 video demo
- Rancher 2.0 technical details
- Rancher 2.0 roadmap
- Rancher 2.0 Helm Chart
- Rancher 2.0 catalog
- Kicking the tires on rancher 2.0
- Test Rancher 2.0 using Minikube
- Managing Kubernetes Workloads with Rancher 2.0
- SSL/TLS options for Rancher 2.0
- Understanding Authentication & Authorization in Rancher 2.0
- How to run Rancher 2.0 on your desktop
- Recover Rancher Kubernetes cluster from a Backup
- Load Balancing on Kubernetes with Rancher
- Installing Rancher 2 HA Cluster with Let’s Encrypt
- Cluster and Workload Alerts in Rancher 2.0
- CRDs and Custom Controllers in Rancher 2.0
- Let's unbox Rancher 2.0 (slide deck)
- Deploying Istio on a Kubernetes Cluster using Rancher 2.0
- Talking Up Kubernetes with Rancher (podcast)
- Building a CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes using Auto Devops, Rancher, and Gitlab
- Using Okta (and other SAML IdPs) with Rancher 2.0
- Adding custom nodes to your Kubernetes cluster in Rancher 2.0
- Rancher - push to deploy workflow with Keel
- How To Set Up Multi-Node Deployments With Rancher 2.1, Kubernetes, and Docker Machine on Ubuntu 18.04
- Manage Kubernetes locally with RKE DIND
- Introducing k3s: The Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution Built for the Edge
- HA Harbor on Azure with Rancher
- Life on the Edge: A First Look at Rancher’s Lightweight Kubernetes Distro K3s
- Pod rescheduling after a node failure with RKE and Kubernetes
- Deploy Rancher on Azure for Kubernetes Management
- AKS Deployment Automation with Terraform and Multi-AKS Cluster Management with Rancher, AAD Integration and more
- Managing Amazon EKS Clusters with Rancher
- Introducing the Rancher 2 Terraform Provider
- Logspout Rancher Ledger - A logspout plugin for Rancher v2.0
- Rancher service registrator for Consul - Rancher service registration for consul
- RKE Vagrant - vagrant up RKE (Rancher Kubernetes Engine)
- Local Rancher Vagrant - Vagrant file to stand up a Local Rancher install with 3 nodes
- Terraform RKE - Terraform provider plugin for deploying kubernetes clusters with RKE
- Rancher 2.0 Helm Chart - Helm catalog for Rancher 2.0
- Check Rancher 2- Monitoring plugin to check Docker environments in Rancher 2.x
- rancher-arm64 - Repo to build rancher on arm64 platform
- k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes. 5 less than k8s.
- Terraform - Rancher High Availability Installation - Terraform for setting up a Highly Available Rancher installation on Google Cloud
- Terraform Rancher provider - Terraform Rancher2 provider
- Setup Metrics Server on an existing Kubernetes Cluster Hosted in Rancher
- Build and run Rancher and RKE on ARM
- Rancher blog
- Creating a highly available container orchestration cluster on AWS
- Configure a Rancher HAProxy health check
- Bootstrap servers to a Rancher environment
- Container Clustering with Rancher Server (Part 5) – Automating the deployment of AWS infrastructure and Rancher with Terraform
- Docker orchestration with Kubernetes and Rancher
- Setting up Symfony continuous deployment using Rancher
- OpenFaaS on Rancher
- Rancher
- Rancher CLI - The Rancher Command Line Interface (CLI)is a unified tool to manage your Rancher server
- Rancher Compose - Docker compose compatible client to deploy to Rancher
- Rancher catalog - The catalog provides templates created and maintained by Rancher
- Rancher community catalog - The catalog provides templates created and maintained by the community
- Convoy - A Docker volume plugin, managing persistent container volumes
- Cattle - Cattle is the orchestration engine that powers Rancher
- Rancher client - A Rancher API client for containerized deployments and management
- Rancher reaper - A Service to automatically delete hosts from Rancher if they have been terminated in AWS
- Rancher alarms - Send notifications when something goes wrong in rancher
- Rancher cron - A service that can start containers on a defined schedule
- Rancher wrangler - Wrangler is a Web Interface to see detailed Information about Rancher Servers
- ChaosRancher - ChaosRancher periodically kills random services in your Rancher Stack/Cluster.
- Giddyup - Giddyup is a tool to that helps get services started in a Rancher compose stack
- Cowpoke - A service to handle configurable Rancher service upgrade patterns
- Gaucho - A Python CLI tool for Rancher's API
- Rancher Let's Encrypt - Rancher service that obtains and manages free SSL certificates from the Let's Encrypt CA using DNS & webroot verification
- Rancher Let's Encrypt - Automatically create and manage certificates in Rancher using Let's Encrypt webroot verification via a minimal service
- Rancher Vagrant - Extensible and automated local Rancher environments using Vagrant
- Vagrant Rancher - Vagrant files to create a Rancher server and host environment for local development
- Rancher status page - Simple status page for Rancher stacks and services
- Rancher firedrill - Alarm on stopped containers
- Rancher zsh completion - zsh completion for Rancher CLI
- Rancher GitLab deployment tool - Painless deployment of projects built with GitLab CI onto your Rancher infrastructure
- GitLab CI ready image - A GitLab CI ready image to upgrade services in Rancher
- Rancher SaltStack deployment - Salt states for Rancher container platform deployment
- Rancher Prometheus - Simple Prometheus Stack Config for Rancher
- Rancher logs collector - Rancher logs collector
- Roundup - Query rancher-metadata by label, and return the first, or all of the values
- Rancher Events - Extract Docker events from Rancher
- Jenkins Rancher Plugin - Enables Jenkins to deploy or upgrade Rancher stack service instance
- Faas Rancher - Enable Rancher as a backend for Functions as a Service (OpenFaaS)
- Cowcheck - A microservice for checking the health of a Rancher node
- Rancher autobackup - Do backups from rancher stacks into a git repository by using rancher api
- Terraform Rancher HA - Terraform files for deploying a Rancher HA cluster in AWS
- Terraform AWS Rancher HA - Terraform module for standing up an AWS Rancher HA instance
- Terraform Rancher - Templates for building and configuring Rancher management and compute stacks
- Terraform Rancher DigitalOcean - Terraform module for a Rancher server on Digitalocean.
- Rancher server single node HA and multi-AZ Rancher hosts in AWS - Terraform scripts to deploy Rancher server single node HA and multi-AZ Rancher hosts in AWS
- Rancher HA Deployment - A highly available rancher deployment using AWS
- RancherNg Cookbook - Chef cookbok with LWRP for deploy Rancher server and/or agent.
- SpotInst - Manage AWS and GCE Spot Instances Groups with Rancher Integration for automatic removal of infrastructure
- @CloudNautique
- @ibuildthecloud
- @vincentfiduccia
- @smw355
- @deniseschannon
- @Lemonjet
- @GuerillaNerd
- @leodotcloud
- @shengliang
- @utter_babbage
- @joshwget
- @SvenDowideit
- @davegetzler
- @junocake
- @JasonvanBrackel
- Contributing
- Cowpoke - Get started developing
- Rancher documentation repo